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A business organized as a separate legal entity under state corporation law and having ownership divided into transferable shares of stock is called a corporation. Unlike sole proprietorships and partnerships, a corporation’s legal status and obligations exist independently of its owners. They are not personally liable for the debts of the corporate entity. The ease with which stockholders may transfer all or part of their shares to other investors at any time (i.e. sell their shares in the securities market) adds to the attractiveness of investing in a corporation. Because ownership can be transferred without dissolving the corporation, the corporation enjoys an unlimited life.

Corporations have most of the legal rights of a person, including the right to conduct business, to own and sell property, to borrow money and to sue or be sued.

In a corporation, ownership and management are separate. The shareholders or owners of the company’s stock (shares in the company) elect the board of directors, who in turn elect the officers of the corporation. The corporate officers carry out the policies and decisions of the board. In practice, the real power in a corporation usually rests with its chief executive officer (CEO), who is responsible for establishing company policies and supervising the activities of the corporation.

No other form of business ownership can match the success of the corporation in bringing together money, resources, and talent, in accumulating assets, and in creating wealth. While the combined number of proprietorships and partnerships in the United States is four times the number of corporations, the revenue produced by corporations is more than two times greater. Corporations account for 70 percent of the profits earned by U.S. businesses.

A company needn’t be large to incorporate. Most corporations are relatively small. The big ones, however, are really big. The 500 largest corporations in the United States have combined sales of over $5 trillion and employ well over 10 million people.

Corporations have evolved into various types. The first distinction is whether a company is public or private. The exhibit below shows major types of corporations. The most visible corporations are the large, private ones, such as General Motors, IBM, and Coca-Cola, but other types are also common.


Government-owned corporation   Business formed by federal or state government for a specific purpose   Local school districts; Dam systems
Quasi-government corporation   Public utility with a monopoly on providing basic public services   Local phone service: electricity, water, natural, gas  
Private corporation   Business owned by private individuals or companies   General Motors
Not-for-profit corporation Charitable, educational, and fraternal organizations   Harvard University
For-profit corporation Company in business to make a profit   IBM  
S corporation   Corporation with no more than 75 owners whose profits are taxed at personal income tax rates   Inland Asphalt
Limited liability company (LLC)   Organizations that combine the benefits of S corpo­rations and limited partnerships: LLC’s existence is restricted to 30 years.   Realatech
Parent company   Company that owns most, if not all, of another company’s stock and that takes an active part in managing that other company   General Electric; 27 subsidiеries include NBC, GE Spacenet and GE Capital Services  
Holding company   Company that owns most, if not all, of another com­pa­ny’s stock but that does not actively participate in the management of that other company   Intermark  
Subsidiary corporation   Corporation that is entirely, or almost entirely, owned by another corporation, known as a parent company or holding company   Taco Bell, a subsidiary of PepsiCo


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