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B. Exercises. 1. Transfer Active constructions into Passive:

1. Transfer Active constructions into Passive:


Under capitalism, individuals own the factors of production.

Under capitalism, the factors of production are owned by individuals.


1.The state operates certain key industries.

2.The government provides many social services.

3.Mexico and Sweden practise varying degrees of socialism.

4.Foreign investors get high profits in China.

5.Communism allows citizens the least degree of economic freedom.

6.Economists consider China to be a large potential market.


Many planned economies are adopting free-market policies.

Free-market policies are being adopted by many planned economies.


1.China is taking steady steps toward a more market-based economy.

2.The government is keeping key industries under state control.

3.Russia is carrying out an economic reform.

4.The former Soviet republics are now selling off their government-owned enterprises.

5.The developing countries are changing the structure of the global economy.

6. They are now manufacturing a new type of transistor radio in Japan.



Rigid centralized planning has caused the economic failure of the communist system.

The economic failure of the communist system has been caused by rigid centralized planning.


1.The Russian government has restructured many industries lately.

2.Over the last years China has established trade relations with more than 200 countries of the world.

3.Many socialist countries have privatized state-owned companies.

4.The natural resources of the Russian Far East have always attracted foreign capital.

5.The state has allowed private ownership of many businesses.

6.Economic problems have forced Sweden to trim its social role.


2. Compose the sentences:


A new economic problem is was will be is being was being has been had been will have been     discussed at the conference every month last week next week now all day long yesterday this week by 4 o’clock yesterday before the professor comes  


3. Chose the right variant:


1. The company _______ in 1997.

a) is founded b) will be founded c) had been founded d) was founded

2. Under socialism certain key industries such as transportation, utilities, medicine, and communication _________ by the state.

a) had been owned b) are being owned c) are owned d) have been owned

3. In the near future 50 large government-owned companies _______ in Israel

a) were sold b) will be sold c) will have been sold d) are sold

4. By the next year this old plant ________

a) is being reconstructed b) will be reconstructed c) will have been reconstructed d) is reconstructed

5. Right now the Minister of Trade _______ by foreign journalists.

a) is being interviewed d) is interviewed c) will be interviewed d) will have been interviewed

6. A new highway _______ between Germany and Netherlands recently.

a) was built b) was being built c) has been built d) had been built

7 A new film about economic reforms in China ________ on TV from 10 till 11 o’clock yesterday.

a) has been shown b) was shown c) had been shown d) was being shown

8. The British government privatized most of state-owned enterprises after a new economic program _______. by the Parliament.

a) was being adopted b) was adopted c) has been adopted d) had been adopted

9. The process of privatization in Russia ______ by the end of the 20th century.

a) was generally accomplished b) has generally been accomplished c) had generally been accomplished d) will generally have been accomplished

10. Every change in society ______ by a change in man’s beliefs.

a) is being preceded b) is preceded c) was preceded l) will be preceded

11. London Bridge ______ for wise men to go over and fools to go under.

a) is built b) was built c) was being built d) will be built

12. This newspaper ______ every day for twenty years.

a) is printed b) was printed d) was being printed d) has been printed

13. You _____- to Mr. Brown yet.

a) haven’t been introduced b) hadn’t been introduced c) aren’t being introduced d) were not introduced

14. I _______ to the director soon.

a) am introduced b) was introduced c) will be introduced d) will have been introduced

15. Nowadays the role of socialist governments in industry ______.

a) is diminished b) has been diminished c) will be diminished d) is being diminished

4. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Citizens have a high degree of economic freedom.

2.Taxes are high in socialist states.

3.Business owners charge any price they want.

4.The government has privatized many state-owned enterprises.

5. Developing countries are competing effectively in the global marketplace.

6.Privatization is occurring in countries like Great Britain, France, and Israel.

7. In the near future Russia will speed up its economic development.




An economic entity can be any organization or unit in society. It may be a business enterprise such as General Electric Company; a governmental unit such as the state of Nevada; a municipality such as Seattle; a school district such as St. Louis District 48; or a social organization such as a church (Southern Baptist).

This assumption requires that the activities of the entity be kept separate and distinct from (1) the activities of its owner and (2) all other economic entities.

The economic entity assumption is generally discussed in relation to a business enterprise, which may be organized as sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 543. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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