1. Answer the questions:
1. How do you understand the word “business”? Comment on different aspects of this word. 2. Which two factors of production do you consider to be the most important ones for business? Give your reasons. 3. Discuss the factors of production Russia possesses. Which of the four do you think are its strongest and weakest sides? 4. Do you know any world-famous entrepreneurs who made a fortune? Say a few words about one of them. 5. What qualities and skills do you need to be a successful entrepreneur? 6. Give your examples of production as a conversion process. 7. Name five items which can be classified as goods. 8. Give five examples of activities which can be classified as services. 9. What goods-producing businesses and service businesses of your city do you know? 10. If you were a businessman what would be a primary goal of your business activity? 11. Imagine you are thinking of starting up a business. Would it be a goods-producing business or a service one? Explain your choice. 2. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Существуют различные определения слова “бизнес”, но все они включают в себя такие понятия, как производство, распределение и продажа товаров и услуг с целью получения прибыли. 2. Россия чрезвычайно богата природными и людскими ресурсами. В стране также много предприимчивых людей, желающих заняться бизнесом. 3. Знаменитый американский предприниматель Генри Форд организовал массовое производство дешёвых и удобных автомобилей. 4. Одним из примеров производства является превращение фруктов и ягод в соки и джемы. 5. Движение товара от производителя к потребителю известно как распределение или сбыт. 6. Комплекс мероприятий по сбыту и стратегия распределения играют важную роль для успешного бизнеса. 7. Водитель автобуса, перевозящий пассажиров, занимается обслуживанием. 8. Компания Rank Xerox, выпускающая офисное оборудование, является товаропроизводящим предприятием. 9. Мой старший брат управляет авторемонтной мастерской; это предприятие сферы обслуживания. 10. Такие понятия, как конкуренция, маркетинг, финансы, качество и так далее относятся также и к некоммерческим организациям, хотя они и функционируют не для получения прибыли.
3. Read and translate the dialogue, get ready to reproduce it and make up your own dialogue about the business you want to start.
Sam Foxton is thinking of starting up a business. He wants his sister Ann to go into business with him. Ann is wary of the idea, but Sam hopes to convince Ann.
Sam. – Look, many people would like to start a business. It involves opportunities. Ann. – Running your own business is risky. Many businesses end up in failure. Sam. – Let us look at the plus and minus sides of going into business for ourselves. A well-managed business can generate considerable profits. Ann. – Money isn’t everything. Sam. – Going into business for yourself, you become “your own boss”. This means making your own decisions. Ann. – Yes. That’s it. It gives you freedom. Sam. – I think I could use more freedom. A businessman enjoys a greater degree of freedom than a white-collar worker, to say nothing of a blue- collar worker. Ann. – That is naïve, Sam. Working for yourself, you do more, not less. You do more than if you work for somebody else. So what freedom does a businessman enjoy? Sam. – Freedom of action. Private business provides the entrepreneur with control and independence. I hope to succeed. Ann. – But running your own business you have to take risks. Suppose the decisions you make are wrong half the time. What then? Sam. – You are a wet blanket, Ann. Come on, it can’t be that bad. I know what I’m doing. And I’m willing to take risks. I will risk my property, my health, and, yes, my pride, too, and build a business from scratch. I’ll be a self-made man. Let us do it together, Ann. You know, I need you because you are reliable and we’ll be a wonderful team. Ann. – I’m not totally opposed to it. What business do you have in mind? Sam. – We shall launch an advertising agency. Ann. – There seems to be more than enough of them already. Sam. – How about starting an indoor sports club? Ann. – That’s it. I’m all for it.