Основна. Self - control questions
Блох М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка / М.Я. Блох. - М.: Высшая школа, 2003. 2. Блох М.Я. Теоретические основы грамматики / М.Я. Блох. - М.: Высшая школа, 2004. 3. Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English. – Ленинград: Просвещение, 1971. 4. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1981. Morokhovska E.J. Fundamentals of English Grammar. – Kyiv:Vyšča Skola, 1993. 6. Alexeyeva I. Theoretical English Grammar Course. – Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha, 2007 7. Rayevska N.M. Modern English Grammar. – Kyiv:Vyšča Skola, 1976 додаткова: 8. Воронцова Г.Н. Очерки по граммике английского языка. – М.: Изд-во лит. на истр. яз., 1960. 9. Koshevaya I.G. The theory of English Grammar. – М.: Просвещение, 1982. 10. Худяков, А.А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка: учебное пособие / А.А. Худяков. – М.: Академия, 2005. Self - control questions 1. Traditional classification of the members of the sentence. 2. Who are the founders of the “case theory” and “generative theory”? 3. What is a predicative line of the sentence? 4. Define an elementary sentence. 5. Name 3 criteria of semantic classification of the simple sentence. 6. What is clausalization? Phrasalization? 7. Define a composite sentence as compared to a simple one. 8. Types of a composite sentence. Other types. 9. Give a definition of a complex sentence. 10. Types of subordinate clauses. 11. Give a definition of a compound sentence. 12. Define a semi-composite sentence. Types.
SIMPLE SENTENCE: CONSTITUENT STRUCTURE TASKS 1. Find equivalents of the following terms in Ukrainian. Give the definition of each of them: predicative line, monopredicative and polypredicative sentences, principal notional parts (subject, predicate), secondary notional parts (object, attribute, adverbial modifier), detached notional parts (apposition, address, parenthesis, interjection), “the transformational grammar theory”, “the theory of case grammar”, “semantic roles”, elementary simple sentence, the axis of subject, the axis of predicate), complete (two-member, two-axis) and incomplete (one-member, one-axis) sentences, elliptical sentence, categorial meanings of the subject, categorial meanings of the predicate, process featuring (verbal) and substance featuring (nominal) sentences, subjective, objective and neutral (“potentially objective”) sentences. 2. First, read the definitions of the following roles in the dictionaries, and then match them with the terms in the left column: 1) Agent (Agentive) a) a person, etc. affected by the action or state denoted by the verb 2) Actor b) a person, etc. who benefits from the action denoted by the verb 3) Object (Objective, Patient) c) the end (destination) of a movement 4) Result (Factitive) d) the doer of the action 5) Instrument (Instrumental) e) the active doer of the action 6) Source f) the thing made or created 7) Goal g) the place from which something originates 8) Path h) the route 9) Experiencer (Dative) i) the thing used for some purpose 10) Benefactive/Beneficiary j) some point or location in space 11) Locative k) a person, undergoing some process or targeted by some action 3. Define semantic roles of the underlined nouns: 1) The old lady swallowed the fly. 2) She got the poor dog a bone. 3) They were going to Paris. 4) I ’ve been making cakes. 5) We went from Waterloo Bridge along the Embankment to Westminster. 6) I dug it with a fork. 4. Are the following sentences expanded or unexpanded? If necessary, use the notion of valency: 1) I'll show you out. 2) A man entered all of a sudden. 3) He was full of sympathy. 4) This seems a problem. 5) There sounded a sharp whistle. 5. Find out if the following sentences are one-member, two-member, or (two-member) elliptical. Where is ellipsis free or fixed? Use necessary transformations: Example: Did he say anything? - Not a word (He did not say a word). 1) What a nice day! 2) Whom did you invite? - Relatives mainly. 3) You, scoundrel! Stay where you are! 4) To say a word like this in the presence of ladies! 5) She is a singer. - A singer? 6) ‘You are fluent in several languages?’ - ‘Latin, French and a smattering of German’ (Brown). 7) I will not help her. - Why not? 6. Define the types of the following sentences: а) personal (human and non-human)/impersonal (factual and perceptional); b) process featuring (actional and statal) or substance featuring (factual and perceptional); c) subjective; objectiveand neutral or “potentially” objective: 1) Things were going on smoothly. 2) You cannot eat your cake and have it. 3) Can you help? 4) It is getting darker and darker. 5) Some don't like light music, others don’t like classical music. 6) At dawn, fighting broke out with renewed force. 7) Who could do such a thing? 8) I don't understand a thing in this paragraph. 9) It is late. 10) Mary's cakes taste delicious. 11) She didn't want to wake them.