Глава 12
1. Gauquelin. Cosmic Influences on Human Behaviour, цит. выше, pp. 110-11. 2. Dean. Recent Advances in Natal Astrology, цит. выше, р. 364. Глава 13 1. Ronald Alley. Portrait of a Primitive: the Art of Henri Rousseau. – Oxford: Phaeton Press, 1978, pp. 67-8. 2. Alley, там же, pp. 70-1. 3. Там же, pp. 49-50. 4. Там же, р. 62. 5. Modest Morariu, Douanier Rousseau. – London: Abbey Library, 1979, p. 20. Глава 14 1. Transit (the Astrological Association Newsletter), issue no36, January 1982, p. 14. 2. Scholes. The Oxford Companion to Music, цит. выше, р. 93. 3. Scholes, там же, Plate 14 (facing p. 92). 4. J. W. N. Sullivan. Beethoven. – Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1949, p. 48. 5. Sullivan, там же, р. 46. 6. Там же, р. 147. Глава 16 1. Ebertin. The Combination of Stellar Influences, цит. выше, р. 101. Глава 17 1. Lois A. Rodden. Profiles of women: a collection of astrological biographies. – Tempe, Arizona: American Federation of Astrologers, 1979, p. 132. 2. Robert Hand. Planets in composite: analyzing human relationships. – Gloucester, Mass: Para Research, 1975. 3. Ebertin. The Combination of Stellar Influences, цит. выше. 4. Roland Davison. Synastry: understanding human relations through astrology. – New York: ASI Publishers, 1977. Глава 18 1. Информация из Книги рекордов Гинесса. См. также Е. A. Vincent. Volcanoes // Forces of Nature / Sir Vivian Fuchs (ed.). – New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1977, pp. 210-32. Глава 19 1. Roland Penrose. Picasso: his life and work. – 3rd edition. – London: Granada, 1981, p. 301. 2. Dianne Binnington, letter in Astrological Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, Winter 1981-2, pp. 54-5. 3. Addey. Harmonics in Astrology, цит. выше, pp. 165-7 of British edition; pp. 161-3 of American edition. Глава 20 1. Harvey. Harmonic charts, цит. выше. 2. Addey and Harvey. Some suggestions on number symbolism in relation to harmonic charts, цит. выше. 3. John Addey. Seven thousand doctors // Selected Writings. – Tempe, Arizona: American Federation of Astrologers, 1976, pp. 189-201. 4. John Addey. Fivefold division and sub-divisions in astrology // Selected Writings, цит. выше, pp. 214-28. 5. Martin Seymour-Smith. The New Astrologer. – London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1981, pp. 125-6. 6. Greta Garbo. См. Oken. The Horoscope, цит. выше, р. 364. 7. Seymour-Smith, цит. выше, р. 125. 8. Quotations from Evans. Peter Sellers, the Mask behind the Mask, цит. выше, p. 171. Глава 21 1. Addey. Seven thousand doctors, цит. выше, см. также Harmonics in Astrology, цит. выше, pp. 202-3 of British edition; pp. 199-201 of American edition. 2. Там же, p. 199. 3. Там же. 4. Addey. Harmonics in Astrology, цит. выше, pp. 124-5 of British edition; pp. 117-8 of American edition. 5. Addey. Seven thousand doctors, цит. выше, р. 191. 6. Bruno and Louise Huber. Man and His World: astrological psychology. – New York: Samuel Weiser, 1978. 7. John E. Greig. Astrology and Planetary Harmonics. – London: Astrological Association, 1980. Глава 22 1. Astro Computing Services (director: Neil F. Michelsen), P.O. Box 16297, San Diego, CA 92116, USA. 2. Gauquelin. Cosmic Influences on Human Behaviour, цит. выше; Spheres of Destiny, цит. выше, and other works. Details of the Gauquelins' scientific papers and lists of birth data can be obtained from them at 8 Rue Amyot, 75005, Paris, France. 3. Dean. Recent Advances in Natal Astrology, цит. выше, pp. 380-94. 4. Gauquelin. Spheres of Destiny, цит. выше. 5. Dean, цит. выше, pp. 1-5; H.J. Eysenck and D.K. Nias. Astrology: Science or Superstition? – London: Maurice Temple Smith, 1982; см. также мою статью (гл. 23, cсылка 1). 6. Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker. The Astrologer's Handbook. – London: Peter Davies, 1974, pp. 154 and 161. 7. Michel Gauquelin. Scientific Documents no. 9: Murderers and Psychotics, with the publication of 7000 birth data. – Paris: Laboratoire d'etude des relations entre rythmes cosmiques et psychophysiologues, 1981. 8. John Addey. Harmonic phase and personal characteristics: Part I //Astrological Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, Summer 1979, pp. 123-34; Harmonic phase and personal characteristics: Part II // Astrological Journal, vol. 22, no. 1, Winter 1979-80, pp. 7-13 and 52. 9. Addey. Harmonic phase and personal characteristics: Part I, цит. выше, pp. 133-4. 10. Addey. The basic harmonics of Mars and their interpretative value in the horoscope: Part I. The first and second harmonics // Astrological Journal, vol. 23, no. 4, Autumn 1981, pp. 208-16; Part II. The third and fourth harmonics // Astrological Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, Winter 1981-2, pp. 12-20. 11. Addey. Part II. The third and fourth harmonics, цит. выше, р. 15. 12. Addey. Harmonic phase and personal characteristics. Part II, цит. выше.