Студопедия — Part 2. The Life on Earth
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Part 2. The Life on Earth

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:



definite [’definit] – определённый

definition [‚defi’ni∫(ə)n] – определение

conception [kən’sep∫(ə)n] – понятие

sign [sain] – знак, признак

matter [’mætə] – материя

organic/inorganic – органический/неорганический

alive/dead – живой/мёртвый

creature [’kri:t∫ə] – существо

to identify [tə ai’dentifai] – определять, отличать

dialectic materialism [‚daiə’lektik mə’ti(ə)riəliz(ə)m] – диалектический материализм

quality [’kwɔliti] – качество

characteristic [‚kæriktə’ristik] – свойство

structure [’strлkt∫ə] – состав

substance [’sлbstəns] – вещество

correlation [‚kɔri’lei∫(ə)n] – соотношение

hydrogen [’haidridჳən] – водород

carbon [’ka:bən] – углерод

oxygen [’ɔksidჳən] – кислород

nitrogen [’naitridჳən] – азот

sulphur [’sлlfə] – сера

phosphorous [’fɔsfərəs] – фосфор

sodium [’səudjəm] – натрий

magnesium [mæg’ni:ziəm] – магний

chlorine [’klɔ:ri:n] – хлор

iron [aiən] – железо

calcium [’kælsiəm] – кальций

potassium [pə’tæsiəm] – калий

nuclein [’nju:kliin] – хим. нуклеин

acid [’æsid] – кислота

protein [’prəuti:n] – белок

carbohydrate [‚ka:bəu’haidr(e)it] – углевод

lipid [’lipid] – липид

cell structure [‚sel ’strлkt∫ə] – клеточное строение

metabolism [mə’tæbəliz(ə)m] – обмен веществ, метаболизм

self-regulation [self ‚regju’lei∫(ə)n] – само-регуляция

mental functions [’mentl ’fлŋk∫(ə)nz] – психические функции

heredity [hi’rediti] – наследственность

changeability [‚t∫eindჳə’biliti] – изменчивость

reproduction [‚ri:prə’dлk∫(ə)n] – размножение

individual development [‚indi’vidჳuəl di’veləpmənt] – онтогенез/индивидуальное развитие

similarity [‚simi’læriti] – сходство

feeding [’fi:diŋ] – питание, корм

Exercise 1. Practice the reading of the following words and expressions and translate them into Russian:

dialectic materialism, mental functions, carbohydrate, organic matter, cell structure, hydrogen, alive creatures, inorganic substances, individual development, historical development, similarities and differences, chlorine, several characteristics, protein, potassium, matter movement, correlation, heredity, iron, identify the difference, sulphur, important elements, acid, oxygen

Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. sign a. substance of which something is made

2. matter b. gaseous element essential to life and combustion

3. quality c. gesture, mark, or symbol conveying the meaning

4. structure d. any of complex organic compounds that are essential for life

5. oxygen e. degree or standard of excellence

6. protein f. complex construction

7. similarity g. organic substance that contains fat

8. heredity h. likeness, resemblance

9. lipid i. passing on of characteristics from one generation to another

Exercise 3. Match the beginnings of following sentences with their ends:


1. The word “life” doesn’t... a. the same elements.

2. There are several signs that... b. alive creatures.

3. All plants and animals are... c. a possible definition for the word “life”.

4. “The Theory of Dialectic Materialism” gives... d. have any special definition.

5. Both organic and inorganic substances have... e. proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

6. All organic creatures contain nuclein acids,... f. differ organic matter from inorganic.


Exercise 4. While reading the following text, find the synonyms to the words given below:

1. existence - 4. chronicle - 7. significant -

2. animate - 5. personal - 8. principal -

3. substantiality - 6. various - 9. motion -

Read the text “Life. What Is It?” and answer the following questions:

  1. What is life according to the theory of Dialectic Materialism?
  2. What is the difference between organic and inorganic substances?
  3. Name three alive creatures mentioned in the text.
  4. What are the main elements of organic and inorganic substances?
  5. What characteristics do all organic substances have?


Life. What Is It?

There is no special definition of the conception for the word “life”. However it is possible to name and describe those signs of organic matter that differ it from inorganic.

Everybody knows that a butterfly that is flying from one flower to another, all plants, animals and, at least, a man – are alive creatures and minerals, rocks and stones are dead. But why can we identify the difference between alive and dead?

Several theories were suggested to answer the question.

One of them is so called “The Mechanic Theory of Life”. Another theory is called “The Theory of Dialectic Materialism”. According to it Life – is the special form of matter movement that appears as the new quality on the definite stage of historical development.

Any alive object has several characteristics. The structure of organic substances has the same chemical elements as the structure of inorganic substances but the correlation of them is different. The main elements are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorous. Besides, there are such important elements as: sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, calcium, potassium and some others. More than that, all organic creatures are built from four main groups of organic substances: nuclein acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. They also have such characteristics as: cell structure, metabolism, self-regulation, mental functions, heredity, changeability, reproduction and individual development.

Plants and animals are living creatures. They have both similarities and differences.

Exercise 5. According to Russian version below find the end of each sentence and read the text “Similarities and Differences between Plants and Animals.”


Before you start working pay attention to the following words and expressions:



similarities and differences – общее и различия

the way of feeding – способ питания

to be capable – быть способным

to form – образовывать

ready for digestion – готовый к перевариванию

nutrients – питательные вещества

the sun energy – солнечная энергия

limited – ограниченный

mobile – подвижный

movement – движение

stalk – стебель


1. Both plants and animals … a. which are ready for digestion.

2. They have many similarities … b. are capable to the limited movements of leaves

and stalks.

3. First of all it is the … c. all their life.

4. Green plants are capable to … d. is not limited.

5. Animals eat only those substances … e. definite age.

6. The growth of plants … f. but they also have some differences.

7. They can grow during … g. way of feeding.

8. Animals grow till the … h. are living organisms.

9. Animals are mobile but plants … i. form nutrients using the sun energy.

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