Part 3. In Space
Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher: Vocabulary: to revolve [tə ri’vɔlv] – вращать(ся) circular [’sə:kjulə] – круглый elliptical [i’liptik(ə)l] – эллиптический, галактика эллиптической формы to orbit [tə ’ɔ:bit] – вращаться или двигаться по орбите solar system [’səulə ’sistim] – солнечная система to complete [tə kəm’pli:t] – завершать to vary [tə ’ve(ə)ri] – менять(ся), изменять(ся) inner [’inə] – внутренний outer [’autə] – внешний, наружный gaseous [’gæsiəs] – газовый, газообразный liquid [’likwid] – жидкость, жидкий solid [’sɔlid] – твёрдый visualizing [’viჳuəlaiziŋ] – мысленное представление marble [’ma:b(ə)l] – стеклянный шарик (из детской игры) satellite [’sæt(i)lait] – спутник tail [teil] – хвост to glow [tə gləu] – накаляться до красна, светиться, сверкать friction [’frik∫(ə)n] – трение solar wind [’səulə wind] – солнечный ветер (потоки частиц, выброшенных Солнцем) density [’densiti] – плотность weight [weit] – вес to rotate [tə rəu’teit] – вращать(ся) axis [’æksis] – ось comet [’kɔmit] – комета to crater [tə ’kreitə] – покрывать воронками meteorite [’mi:tiərait] – метеорит impact [’impækt] – удар, столкновение, влияние crust [krлst] – земная кора to fill [tə fil] – наполнять basaltic [bæ’sɔ:ltik] – базальтовый lava [’la:və] – лава billion [’biljən] – амер. миллиард minor [’mainə] – незначительный, второстепенный barren [’bærən] – пустырь, пустошь, амер. песчаная равнина asteroid [‚æstə’rɔid] – астероид, малая планета to range [tə reindჳ] – колебаться в пределах to chart [tə t∫a:t] – наносить на карту, чертить, планировать to elongate [tə ’i:lɔŋgeit] – растягивать (ся), удлинять (ся) width [widθ] – ширина remnant [’remnənt] – след, остаток to disintegrate [tə dis’intigreit] – раздроблять, измельчать, разлагаться formerly [’fɔ:məli] – прежде, раньше, некогда meteor [’mi:tiə] – метеор grain [grein] – зерно atmosphere [’ætməsfiə] – атмосфера to heat [tə hi:t] – нагревать(ся) incandescence [‚inkæn’des(ə)ns] – белый накал, накаливание resistance [ri’zistəns] – сопротивление universe [’ju:nivə:s] – вселенная cavity [’kæviti] – впадина, углубление to land – приземлиться, сделать посадку ladder – лестница tide [taid] – прилив или отлив flammable [’flæməb(ə)l] – воспламеняемый, огнеопасный neighbour [’neibə] – сосед force [fɔ:s] – сила imaginary [i’mædჳin(ə)ri] – воображаемый, нереальный
Exercise 1. According to the following meanings find the words in the lists of vocabulary given above: 1. a last part of an animal or an object 2. a sandy plain 3. imaginary line round which a body can rotate or be symmetrical 4. resistance met by a body moving over another 5. any of the small planets that orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter 6. light flammable gaseous element which combines with oxygen to form water Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right: A. Nouns: 1. earth a. force that attracts objects to the earth 2. moon b. rise and fall of the sea caused by the gravitation of the sun and moon 3. tide c. natural satellite of the earth 4. neighbour d. of the same height as something else 5. gravity e. planet that we live on 6. level f. one object which is situated near another B. Adjectives: 1. circular a. substance in a physical state which can change shape but not size 2. inner b. air-like substance which is not liquid or solid 3. minor c. round 4. liquid d. changing from a liquid to a solid state 5. gaseous e. happening or located within or inside 6. frozen f. being of no the first importance C. Verbs: 1. to revolve a. to make or become longer 2. to complete b. to break up into fragments 3. to vary c. to change, cause differences in 4. to crater d. to turn round, to rotate 5. to elongate e. to cover by bowl-shaped cavities made by the impact of meteorites 6. to disintegrate f. to finish, make whole or perfect Exercise 3. Discuss vocabulary of the previous exercises using the following models: Model 1: A. – Michael, tell me please does the word earth mean the planet that we live on?
A. – So I haven’t made a mistake in my translation. B. – No, you haven’t. Good for you. Model 2:
B. – Sorry will you repeat it again? Which word?
A. – I’m very much obliged to you, Michael. B. – No, problem. Ask any time you need.
Exercise 4. Listen to the text “The Moon Our Nearest Neighbour” twice and decide true or false are the following statements: Statements:
Exercise 5. Listen to the text “On the Moon” twice and complete the sentences:
Exercise 6. Practice the reading of the following words and expressions and translate them into Russian: around the sun; unit of time called a year; the most distant planet; gaseous, liquid, or frozen hydrogen; an average-sized star; a small grain of sand; elliptical orbits; from friction with the solar wind; cratered by meteorite impact; original crust; irregularly shaped objects; remnants of a disintegrated planet; the earth’s atmosphere
Exercise 7. Read the following texts and match them with the titles below: