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British Agriculture

Agriculture, one of Britain's most important industries, supplies nearly two-thirds of the country's food. British agriculture is efficient, for it is based on modern technology and research.

Nearly 80% of the land is used for agriculture. The total agricultural acreage of Great Britain is about 45,000,000 acres. Soils vary from the poor ones of highland Britain to the rich fertile soils in the eastern and south-eastern parts of England.

Britain is self-sufficient in milk, eggs, to a very great extent in meat, potatoes, wheat. However, it needs to import butter, cheese, sugar and some other agricultural products.

There are about 55,000 farms in Britain. They are not large. An average sized farm is about 30-40 acres. There are three main types of farming in Great Britain: pastoral, arable, mixed. 60% of farms are developed mainly to dairying or beef cattle and sheep. Sheep and cattle are reared in the hill and moorland areas of Scotland, Wales, Nothern Ireland and south- western England. Milk production is the first importance in the structure of British agriculture.

Pig breeding is carried on in most areas but particularly in southern England, north-east Scotland and Nothern Ireland.

Arable farms are mainly in the eastern part of the country. The main cereal crops in Great Britain are wheat, barley and oats. Rye is grown in small quantities for use as cattle fodder.

Great Britain produces different kinds of fruit: apples, pears, cherries, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries and others. Potatoes are grown for sale, for fodder and for seed.

Modern machines: tractors, combines and other equipment are used on British farms. But today the main tendency in British agriculture is that small traditional farms are gradually disappearing because they cannot compete with big industrial farms.

Private forests make up 56% of the total forests area in Great Britain. Woodlands cover nearly 2.2 million hectares.

Britain's second major source of food is the surrounding sea. The fishing industry provides about 70% of British fish supplies.

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British Agriculture

Agriculture is one of Britain's most important industries. British agriculture is based on modern technology and research. Nearly 80% of the land is used for agriculture. Britain has poor and rich fertile soils.

There are about 55,000 farms in Britain. They are not large. An average farm is about 30-40 acres. There are three main types of farming in Great Britain: pastoral, arable, mixed. Most farms in Britain are dairying. Many farms rear beef cattle and sheep, pigs and poultry.

Britain’s most important products are milk, eggs, meat, potatoes and wheat. The main cereal crops in Great Britain are wheat, barley and oats. Rye is grown in small quantities for use as cattle fodder. Great Britain produces different kinds of fruit. Potatoes are grown for sale, for fodder and for seed.

Modern machines are used on British farms. Most forests are private in Britain.

People use the surrounding sea as a source of food.

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1. prevailing 2. condition 3. to favour 4. livestock-farming 5. crop 6. maritime 7. to allow 8. wheat 9. everywhere 10. lying 11. sea level 12. fails to ripen 13. excess 14. humidity 15. on the other hand 16. meadows 17. throughout 18. to be dominated by 19. landowner 20. merchant 21. to own 22. bulk 23. hunting ground 24. as a rule 25. to carry on farming 26. to prefer 27. tenant farmer 28. to make up 29. livestock 30. leading 31. cattle breeding 32. sheep breeding 33. pig breeding 34. poultry breeding 35. to be enriched with fertilizers 36. grassland 37. cultivation 38. apart from that 39. fodder 40. to be supplemented by 41. root vegetables 42. stand 43. dairy-farming   44. to predominate 45. to be maintained 46. to supply 47. the total sown area 48. principal 49. grain 50. oats 51. barley 52. sugar beet 53. industrial crop 54. market gardening and orcharding 55. thriving industry   56. prominent 57. to lie 58. coast 59. in close proximity 60. Dogger Bank     61. fishery преобладающий условие благоприятствовать животноводство сельскохозяйственная культура морской позволять пшеница везде лежащий уровень моря не может созреть избыточный влажность с другой стороны луг по всей контролироваться землевладелец торговец владеть большая часть охотничий заказник как правило заниматься фермерством предпочитать фермер-арендатор составлять домашний скот ведущий скотоводство овцеводство свиноводство птицеводство обогащаться удобрениями   луг, пастбище обработка отдельно от этого корм дополняться корнеплоды сарай производство молочных продуктов преобладать осуществляться обеспечить общая посевная площадь главный зерно овес ячмень сахарная свекла техническая культура рыночное огородничество и садоводство бурно развивающаяся промышленность выдающийся лежать, находиться побережье очень близко Доггер-банка (отмель в Северном море, около112 км от побережья графства Йоркшир; место интенсивного лова рыбы) место ловли рыбы

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