My Speciality
I study at Altai State Agrarian University. I am a second-year student of the Environmental Faculty. The Faculty has several areas of training: Land Reclamation, Re-cultivation and Soil Protection; Engineering Systems of Agricultural Water Supply; Complex Usage and Protection of Water Resources; Land Management; Cadastre of Real Estate; Geodesy Support of Land Management and Cadastre of Real Estate. Soils, grounds, surface and subterranean waters are the most important natural objects. Our life depends on them. The engineers in the area of Land Reclamation, Re-cultivation and Soil Protection can evaluate ecosystems, calculate and model modern hydro-constructions, pump stations, drainages, and canals etc. They can work out the organization and technical measures to restore the ecological balance and improve the life quality of people. Water is widely used in industry, agriculture, energetic and water transport. All cities, farms, livestock farms, and pastures need it. The task of engineers in the area of Engineering Systems of Agricultural Water Supply is to solve the problems of the improving water quality, the water supply at different industrial enterprises both in town and in the country. The most important problems nowadays are the problems of water resources and their rational usage. They are international problems. The engineers in the area of Complex Usage and Protection of Water Resources deal with development methods of the rational usage of water and its protection from contamination and depletion; they model processes going on in the water and restore water resources. The specialists in the area of Land Management deal with management technologies of land resources. It is necessary for them to know the civil and administrative legislation, the laws of economics, soil science, ecology and other sciences. They develop land management projects and city planning projects; they develop projects and diagrams of land surveying; they measure and restore borders of different objects. One of the aims of the state policy is to create the state land cadastre, which will be the information base for the management of land resources. The engineers in this area can form the data base for the land cadastre; conduct land registration works; do the market research of the land and real estate markets; control the usage and protection of the land and environment; develop city planning projects. The specialists in the area of Geodesy Support of Land Management and Cadastre of Real Estate can fulfill different types of work: they create a geodesic base with the help of modern satellite methods; they provide geodesic support of land management, construction and usage of engineering installations; they conduct geodesic expertise of land ownership relations and real estate objects. In order to become qualified specialists students of the Environmental Faculty study many theoretical subjects and have a practical course of studies on training farms and different projects of our region. Text 2