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D Write: Put a circle round the correct words in brackets. SPARE THAT TREE!

How (many/much) lists is your name on? There must be (2plenty/plenty of) lists of names in every part of the world and they must be used to send information to (3millions /millions of) people. The (4number/amount) of letters ordinary people receive these days has greatly increased. (5A lot/A lot of) the people I know object to receiving unwanted letters. (6Much/Many) of the mail we receive goes straight into the waste-paper basket. That's why (7most/the most) people refer to it as 'junk mail'. It would be better for all of us if we received (8much/many) less junk mail and, as a result, saved (9many/much) more trees from destruction. (10A lot/A lot of) trees must be wasted each year to produce mountains of junk mail. Recently, I received a very welcome (11bit/bit of) junk mail. It was a leaflet urging me not to waste paper and to return junk mail to the sender. 'If we all do this,' the leaflet said, 'we will reduce the (12number/number of) trees being destroyed.' I agreed with every word they said, but why did they have to send me four copies of the leaflet?

5.3 Uses of 'some', 'any', 'no' and 'none'

5.3A 'Some/any' or zero in relation to quantity [> LEG 3.6,3.23.8,5.3,5.1]

1 countable nouns: The plural of a / an is normally any or some when we are referring to quantity [> 3.1 B]: Is there a present for the children? >Are there any presents for the children? Here's a present for the children. >Here are some presents for the children. Sometimes we don't use any and some, even if we are referring to quantity. The meaning is exactly the same, though we generally prefer to use any and some: Are there any presents for the children? >Are there presents for the children? Here are some presents for the children. >Here are presents for the children.

2 uncountable nouns: In the same way, we sometimes don't use any and some when referring to quantity: Is there any milk in the fridge? is the same as Is there milk in the fridge?There's some milk in the fridge, is the same as There's milk in the fridge.

3 general statements: We always use zero in general statements [> 3.1A-B, 3.5A]: Beans are good for you. Oil is produced in Alaska. Life is short.

Write: We can use zero in all these sentences. Put in some or any only where possible.

1 (-) eggs are not nice to eat raw. 2 There are... eggs in that basket. 3... life is full of surprises. 4 He's 89, but there's still... life in him 5 Get... meat and salad for the weekend. 6 Some people don't eat... meat. 7... biscuits are bad for the teeth. 8 You won't find... biscuits in that tin. 9 We can't do without... bread.10 Get...bread while you're out. 11 I don't like... boiled cabbage.12 Would you like... boiled cabbage? 13... money has to be earned. 14 You need to earn... money. 15 There isn't... news of him. 16 I hate... bad news.

5.3B Four basic uses of 'some' and 'any' [> LEG 5.10]

Some [compare > 4.6B] 1 Affirmatives: I want some eggs. 2Questions + 'yes': Do you want some tea? 3 Requests: May I have some tea? 4 (= certain): Some people believe anything. Any [compare > 4.6B] 1 Negatives: I don't want any eggs. 2 Uncertain questions: Is there any...? 3 With hardly, etc.: There's hardly any ink. 4 With at all: I haven't any idea at all.

Write: Supply some or any.

1 Are there any more potatoes? - Yes, there are some potatoes in the dish. 2 Have we got any sugar? – I expect we have. Yes, there's... sugar in this tea. 3 May I have... more tea? - Yes, of course. 4... people just don't know how to mind their own business. 5 I didn't get... shoes at the sales. They were too expensive. 6 I think we've run out of sugar. Is there... sugar in that bowl? - No, there is not. 7 There are never... taxis when you want one. 8 There isn't... point at all in getting upset about it.

5.3C 'Not...any', 'no'and 'none' [>LEG 5.12] We can use no instead of not any. We use an affirmative verb with no [> 13.2A]: There aren't any buses after midnight. >There are no buses after midnight. There isn't any milk. >There's no milk. We can also use no in place of not a / an: I'm not an expert. >I'm no expert. None stands on its own as a pronoun: We have no bananas. We have none.

Write: Rewrite these sentences with any, no and none.

1 There are no buses after 12.30. There aren't... There aren't any buses after 12.30 2 We haven't got any. We've got... 3 I'm not an accountant, but these figures are wrong. I'm… 4 There isn't any explanation for this. There's...

5.3D Other uses of 'some' and 'any' [> LEG 5.12]

Some and any also have special uses: I haven't seen Tom for some years, (= I haven't seen Tom for several years.) Any fool knows the answer to a question like that. (= 'It doesn't matter who')

Write: Match the sentences on the left with the choices of meanings on the right.

1 It took some minutes to see what had gone wrong. 2 There were some 500 people at the meeting. 3 Monica's really some actress. 4 There must be some person who knows the answer. 5 You're some help, I must say! 6 Albert isn't just any hairdresser, you know. 7 Any coat will do. It needn't be a raincoat. Choices: a) it doesn't matter which b) an extraordinary c) an ordinary d) not much e) about f) several g) an unknown


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