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D Write: Put in a or the. ANCIENT SECRETS

Mr Denys Stocks,1 a retired policeman, has just been given2... B.Sc. for twelve years' research into ancient Egyptian industrial methods. Egyptologists have often wondered how3... Egyptians were able to cut such hard stone and how they produced such fine jewellery. Mr Stocks has shown that4... Egyptians used saws and drills.5... saws and drills were made of copper, which is very soft. But6... Egyptian craftsmen turned them into very powerful tools. First7... craftsman made8... cut in9... stone with 10... soft saw. Then 11... craftsman poured sand into12... cut.13... hard sand got into 14... teeth of 15... saw and did 16... cutting. In this way,17... worker could cut basalt ['bæsɔ:lt,bə'sɔ:lt], one of the hardest rocks.18... sand he used turned into 1Э... very fine powder. 20... powder was then used by jewellers to cut precious stones and to make delicate jewellery.



3.4 The definite article: 'the' (2)3.4A The' for specifying [> leg 3.20]

1 When we use the, the listener or reader knows or can understand what we are referring to. We can make a reference 'specific' or 'definite' by means of:

- back reference: We stopped at a small village. The village was very pretty. [> 3.2A, 3.3A]

- the + noun + of. The life of Napoleon was very stormy.

- a clause (= part of a sentence): The Jones I'm referring to is a colleague of mine.

- context The listener knows exactly what we are referring to. That's why we say: It's the postman. (Not 'a postman")

She's gone to the butcher's. (Not *a butcher's*) [> 2.8D] Running is good for the heart. (Not *a heart")

2 We often say the cinema, the theatre, the supermarket, the bank, etc. even if we don't know exactly which: He's gone to the cinema/the theatre/the supermarket/the bank.

3 We refer to the country, the mountains, the seaside even if we don't know exactly where: We're spending the weekend in the country/in the mountains/at the seaside.

4 We use the to refer to 'one of a kind': the Earth, the sea, the sky, the sun, the moon, the solar system, the planets, the Galaxy, the Milky Way, the universe: The earth doesn't belong to us.

Write: Supply a / an, the or '-'. 1 We were looking for a place to spend the night. … place we found turned out to be in... charming village.... village was called... Lodsworth. 2... individual has every right to expect personal freedom.... freedom of... individual is something worth fighting for. 3 Yes, my name is... Simpson, but I'm not... Simpson you're looking for. 4 Who's at... door? - It's... postman. 5 When you go out, would you please go to...supermarket and get some butter. 6 I've got... appointment this afternoon. I've got to go to... doctor's. 7 We went to… theatre last night and saw Flames. It's... wonderful play. 8 We prefer to spend our holidays in... country... mountains or by... sea. 9 We have seen what … earth looks like from... moon. 10 This is the front room.... ceiling and... walls need decorating, but... floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with... carpet. 11 You're imagining... things. All your fears are in... mind. 12 Look at this wonderful small computer... top lifts up to form... screen;... front lifts off to form... keyboard and... whole thing only weighs 5 kilos. 13... history of... world is.... history of… war. 14 Is there... moon round... planet Venus? 15 What's... John doing these days? - He's working as... postman. 16... exercise is good for... body. 17 Could you pass me... salt, please? 18 They're building... new supermarket in... centre of our town. 19 Where's your mother at...moment? - I think she's in... kitchen. 20 If you were a cook, you'd have to work in...kitchen all day long.


3.4B ‘The’ to refer to things that are unique (not place names) [> 3.8C. leg 3.22]

1 We often use the to refer to 'things that are unique':

a organizations: the United Nations

b ships: the Titanic

с documents: the Constitution

d public bodies: the police, the Government

e titles of books and films: The Odyssey

f climate: the weather

g historical events: the French Revolution

h official titles: the President; political parties: the Labour Party

j the press: The Economist, The Times

k beliefs: the gods

I the whole species: the dinosaurs

2 We treat other, similar words as proper nouns [> 3.5A] and use no article (zero), e.g.

a organizations: Congress, Parliament

b titles of books and films: Jaws

с beliefs: God, Buddha

d official titles: Queen Elizabeth

e the press: Punch, Time magazine

f the whole species: Man

Write: Supply the or '-'.

1 I like to read newspapers like the Times and the Washington Post. 2 I read... Economist every week and... Time magazine. 3 Do you think... New Yorker and... Рunch have much in common? 4 We can't be sure about the history of... human race, but... man developed earlier than we think, though we certainly weren't around at the time of... dinosaurs. 5 I like watching old films. I recently watched... Graduate and... Jaws on video. 6 The Ancient Greeks believed in... gods. The idea of... God was not known to them. 7 I've read Homer's... Odyssey, but I haven't read Joyce's... Ulysses. 8... United Nations may be a talking shop, but so is... Congress. 9 A lot of people object to attempts to bring up … Titanic. 10 My oldest son joined... Navy and now my youngest wants to join... Army. 11 France celebrated the 200th anniversary of... French Revolution in 1989. 12 In many countries, the head of state is called... President. 13 Do you know who killed... President Lincoln? 14 Because of the greenhouse effect... climate of the world is changing.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 2445. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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