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В Nouns formed from verbs, adjectives, other nouns

1 decision 2 anxiety 3 socialism 4 happiness 5 agreement 6 discovery 7 arrival 8 childhood 9 absence 10 postage 11 try (no

change) 12 efficiency 13 curiosity 14 address (no change) 15 refusal 16 warning 17 mouthful 18 explanation 19 trial 20 argument

2.1 С Nouns and verbs with the same spelling but different stress 1 permit 2 perrrul 3 increase 4 increase 5 objects 6 object 7 conduct 8 conduct 9 entгаnсе 10 entrance 11 record 12 record. 13 present 14 present 15 protest 16 protest 17 accent 18 accent 19 exports 20 export 21 escort 22 escort 23 imports 24

2.1 D Context: I boredom 2 communication 3 babble/babbling 4 knowledge 5 preparation 6 encouragement 7 recognition 8 solution 9 refusal 10 scientist II behaviour

2.2A Nouns formed with gerund ('-ing') + noun: 'dancing-shoes' The following need ticks: 1, 3, 5, 7

2.2B Apostrophe s, 's) or compound noun? 1 the car key 2 the doctor's surgery 3 the committee's idea 4 the pen nib 5 the computer keyboard 6 the desk top 7 King John's reign 8 Eliot's poetry 9 no one's responsibility 10 the suitcase handle 11 the front door knob 12 Scott's journey 13 the postman's bicycle 14 that cigarette stub 15 a new kitchen table 16 the horse's tail 17 the light switches 18 the boss's secretary 19 the new party policy 20the book cover 21 Mr Jones's son 22the factory gate 23the garage door 24the children's photos 25 the office phone 26the film critic 27 a dancing teacher 28 the twins' mother 29my brother's wife 30 a new reading lamp 31 the road surface 32 the President's secretary

2.2C Compound nouns which tell us about materials and substances:

1 a plastic raincoat 2 a silk shirt 3 silky/silken hair 4 a glass table-top 5 glassy eyes 6 a leather wallet 7 a stainless steel spoon 8 steely/ steel nerves 9 a woollen pullover 10 a cotton blouse 11 a silver teapot 12 a silvery voice 13 a stone wall 14 stony silence 15 a ceramic tile 16 a nylon nailbrush 17 a leathery tongue 1 8 a wooden spoon

2.2D Context: 1 feather wings 2 a flying machine 3 flight path 4 a champion cyclist 5 pedal power 6 pilot's seat, pilot-seat 7 carbon fibre machine 8 south wind

A Countable and uncountable nouns compared

1 painting С 2 milk U 3 photos С 4oilU 5 drawings С 6 Hope U 7 hope С 8 flour U 9 shirts С 10 coal U

2.3B Nouns which can be either countable or uncountable: 'an egg / egg' 1 onion U 2 fish U 3 eggs С 4 cake U 5 motorway С 6 ice С 7 glasses С 8 stones С 9 paper U 10 iron С

2.3C Normally uncountable nouns used as countables (1): 'a coffee/(some) coffee' 1 I'd like (some) tea/(some) coffee, please. 2 I'd like a/one coffee and two teas, please. 3 I'd like a/one beer, a/one lemonade and a/one tomato juice, please. 4 I'd like two coffees, three teas and one milk/a glass of milk

2.3D Normally uncountable nouns used as countables (2): 'oil/a light oil 1 a light oil 2 an excellent wine 3 a traditional cloth 4 a rare wood.

2.3E Context 1 (-) 2 a/(-) За 4а 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10(-) 11 a 12 a 13 some 14 a

2.4A Singular equivalents of uncountable nouns: 'bread / a loaf’ 1 coat/jacket/dress, etc. 2 laugh 3 suitcase,bag, case, holdall, backpack, etc. 4 job 5 room/bed

2.4B Nouns not normally countable in English: 'information'

Write 1: The following need ticks: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12

Write 2: 1 some 2 (-) 3 any 4 a 5 the 6 some/a lot of 7 some/a lot of 8 a lot of/some/the 9 the/ some/a lot of 10 a 11 a 12 some/a lot of 13 some 14 a lot of 15 (-) 16 any 17(-) 18 a lot of/some 19 a lot of/some 20 a

/s/ 1 clocks 2 lakes 3 lights 4months 5 parks 6 tapes /z/ 7bottles 8cinemas 9 guitars 10 hotels 11 islands 12 smiles /iz/ 13addresses 14beaches 15 offices 16 pieces 17spaces 18villages

2.4CPartitives: 'a piece of, etc. 1 a cube of ice 2 a bar of chocolate 3 a slice of bread 4 a sheet of paper 5 a bar of soap 6 a bottle of milk 7 a jar of jam 8 a box of matches 9 a pot of tea 10 a tube of toothpaste 11 a drop of water 12 a pinch of salt 13 a sip of tea 14 a splash of soda 15 a wisp of smoke

2.4D Context 1 a 2 (-) 3 (-) 4 (-) 5 (-) 6 (-) 7 Some 8 a lot of 9(-) 10(-)

2.5A Nouns with plurals ending in -s or -es: 'friends', 'matches'

2.5B Nouns with plurals ending in -s or -es: 'countries' 'knives' 1 These cherries are very sweet. 2 I've lost my keys. 3 These knives are blunt. 4 The leaves are turning yellow. 5 The roofs have been damaged. 6 We have three Henrys in our family.

C Nouns ending in -o and some irregular plural forms

1 Which videos do you like best? 2 Which volcanoes/ volcanos are erupting? 3 These are John's pet mice. 4 These teeth are giving me trouble. 5 Can you see those geese? 6 Postmen are busy all the time. 7 We're going to sell those sheep. 8 I can see salmon/some salmon in the water. 9 Which aircraft have just landed? 10 The Swiss are used to mountains.

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