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C Adverbs of frequency at the beginning of a sentence

1a) I often bring work home from the office. b Often, I bring work home from the office. 2a) John normally leaves home before his wife does. b) Normally, John leaves home before his wife does. За) І have frequently forgotten to lock the back door. b) Frequently, I have forgotten to lock the back door. 4a) I usually know when to wake up b) Usually, I know when to wake up. 5a) I'm generally the one who pays the bills, b) Generally, I'm the one who pays the bills. 6a) The traffic is often heavy in the mornings. b) Often, the traffic is heavy in the mornings. 7a) We sometimes have power cuts. b) Sometimes, we have power cuts. 8a) There are often complaints about the service. b) Often, there are complaints about the service.

7.4D Context 1 Have you ever forgotten..? 2 Don't say you never have! 3 We can't always be careful… 4... most of us must occasionally have left something... 5... who never forgets anything 6... a year are regularly dealt with... 7 People don't normally carry/normally don't carry.../Normally, people don't carry... 8 The things people most often lose/lose most often 9 But sometimes there are items/there are sometimes...10 Can you ever imagine... (or... and not ever claiming it?) 11 Prams and pushchairs are often lost./Often, prams and pushchairs. 12... people frequently forget false teeth... 13 Yet they often do!/Yet often they do!

7.5A The two meanings of 'quite':1 The film was quite good ('less than') 2 The exhibition was quite amazing, ('completely') 3 Pam's quite wonderful ('completely') 4 The play was quite awful, ('completely') 5 I quite enjoyed my holiday, ('less than') 6 I quite like snails, (less than')

7.5B 'Fairly' 1 quite ('complimentary') /fairly ('less complimentary) 2 quite ('completely')

3 quite ('completely') 4 quite ('complimentary')/fairly ('less complimentary') 5 quite ('completely') 6 quite ('completely')

7.5C 'Rather' 1 quite ('completely')/rather ('inclined to be') 2 quite ('completely') 3 quite ('completely')/rather ('inclined to be') 4 quite ('completely') 5 quite ('less than'/rather ('inclined to be')

7.5D 'Much', 'any', 'far' and 'a lot' as adverbs of degree: 1 much/any 2 much/far/a lot 3 much/far/a lot 4 much/far 5 any /much 6 much/any 7 much 8 much/far 9 much/any 10 much /far/a lot

7.5E Context Possible answers: 1 quite late 2 rather tired 3 fairly middle-aged 4 rather a good meal 5 quite unaware 6 any more 7 any/much use 8 rather a good idea 9 quite dim

7.6A 'Very1, 'too' and 'very much' Write 1: I very ill 2 very much faster 3 too fast for me 4 very (or too) good 5 too expensive 6 very (or very much) mistaken 7 very much interested 8 very much 9 very much admired 10 the very best 11 too intelligent 12 too cold 13 I very much like 14 very much faster 15 very late 16 too late 17 very much missed 18 too much pocket money 19 very much 20 very much alone

Write 2:1 very much 2 too much 3 very 4 very much 5 very 6 very 7 too much 8 too much 9 too 10 too 11 very much 12 very or too

7.6B Adverbs in place of 'very': 'extremely happy', 'fast asleep' Possible answers:

1 awfully 2 terribly 3 greatly 4 extremely 5 terribly 6 wide 7 deeply 8 extremely 9 really 10 richly 11 painfully 12 awfully 13 terribly 14 awfully 15 terribly 16 extremely 17 extremely 18 fast19 bitterly 20 terribly 21 badly 22 extremely 23 really 24 extremely

7.6C Context Possible answers: 1 too 2 very 3 fast 4 very much 5 painfully 6 too 7 really/very much 8 extremely 9 Much 10 richly

7.7A 'Even', 'only', 'just' and 'simply' for 'focusing' Possible answers: 1 I understood his lecture, but no one else did. 2 I listened, but I didn't take notes. 3 I didn't understand anyone else's lecture./l understood his lecture, but I didn't understand anything else.

4 Set the table in a simple manner. 5 I understood it, but with some difficulty./... but I didn't understand anything else. 6 I didn't understand anyone else's lecture./l understood his lecture, but I didn't understand anything else. 7 I understood it, but with some difficulty.

7.7B Two meanings of 'too': 1 It's too hot. 2... and it's hot, too. 3... and I went to the supermarket, too. 4 It was too far.

5 It was too expensive. 6... and expensive, too

7.7C Too' and 'not either': 1 too 2 too 3 either 4 too 5 either 6 either 7 either 8 too

7.7D 'Also' and 'as well': 1 she can also sing 2 I have also had a shower 3 he also writes TV scripts 4 he will a l so be tried 5 you should a l so have written 6 I also have to file some letters 7 I'd a l so like some sandwiches 8 he also owns the flat 9 we also export a lot 10 it's also too expensive

7.7E Context 1...she didn't leave any jewels, either 2 Even my mother was surprised 3... she had some rings and some lovely necklaces, too 4 I saw them only once/I оnlу saw them once... 5... in the bedrooms, in the bathroom, and in the attic as we ll6 Millie was very careful and was also afraid of burglars 7... we'd better take all the food in the deep freeze, too 8... the goose was full of jewels and there were some gold coins, too1

7.8A Viewpoint adverbs: 1 d 2c 3b 4e 5a 6f 7h 8g 9i

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