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С 'Would'in place of 'used to' and in place of the simple past

The first used to (Gerald used to spend) sets the scene. After that, the following should be underlined: used to get up (would get up), caught (would catch), put (would put), took ((would) take), always used to go, (would always go) was often (would often be)

11.11D 'Will/would' to describe 'usual behaviour'

1 would always tell 2 will still tell 3 would only discuss 4 will play 5 would work 6 won't always tell


11.11 E Context. Possible answers:1 was 2 was 3 used to/would 4 loved/used to love 5 never accepted/would never accept/never used to accept 6 will always find 7 would/used to say 8 used to/would say 9 would always be/was always/always used to be 10 often used to visit/ often visited 11 never used to tire/never tired 12 would say/said

11.12А 'Need* as a modal verb: 1 Need you go...? 2 Need I wait...? 3They needn't wait... 4 You needn't have said... 5 I hardly need explain... 6 He needn't learn... 7 All that you need do... 8 I don't think you need explain

and as a full verb: Do you need to go...? Do I need to wait...? They don't need to wait.. You didn't need to say... I hardly need to explain.. He doesn't need to learn All that you need to do... I don't think you need to explain

11.12B The form of 'dare1 as a modal and as a full verb: 1 daren't/don't dare/don't dare to 2 daren't/didn't dare/didn't dare to/dare(d) not 3 dare/dare to 4 Dare we/Do we dare/Do we dare to 5 didn't dare/ didn't dare to/dare(d) not/daren't 6 dare 7 daren't/ doesn't dare/doesn't dare to 8 daren't have 9 daren't/didn't dare to/dared not

11.12C Uses of'dare': 1d 2c 3d 4a 5b 6c 7b 8a 9d 10b11b 12d

11.12D Context: 1 dared not/did not dare (to) move 2 need not have worried 3 dared (to) breathe 4 didn't dare to / dare not /dared not open 5 need (to) tell


11.1ЗА 'Would' and 'wouldn't' in place of the simple present tense or 'will' future: 1 would be 2 wouldn't be 3 would think

4 wouldn't seem 5 would be 6 wouldn't imagine 7 Would that seem

11.13B That... should' after verbs like 'suggest'. Possible answers: 1 we should buy (a) 2 we should avoid (a) 3 he not raise (c) 4 they do not break (b) 5 she should do? (a) 6 we improve (b/c) 7 you take (b/c) 8 not delay (c) 9 we take (b/c)

10 heshould be allowed (a)

11.13C 'That... should' after adjectives like 'essential': 1 we should send (a) 2 she return (c) 3 he is informed (b) 4 she be (c)

11.13D There' + modal auxiliaries. Possible answers: 1 could be 2 must be 3 will never be 4 Couldn't there be 5 Might there be 6 should there be 7 can't there be

11.13E Context. Possible answers: 1 you (should) take 2 you (should) get 3 you begin 4 could be 5 you (should) follow 6 will be 7 may be 8 would seem


12.1 A Basic forms of the passive. Write 1: The following should have been marked P: 1, 3, 6, 9.

Write 2: 1 A lot of money is owed to the bank. 2 It has been proved that there is no life on the moon. 3 Videos like this one can be bought anywhere. 4 The history of the European Community has to be written one day. 5 The history of the European Community may already have been written. 6 When we arrived home, we found that one of our windows had been broken. 7 Their car has been sold to pay their debts. 8 A meeting is held in the village hall once a week.

12.1 В The passive with progressive forms: 'She is being interviewed'

1 New employees are always welcomed by the manager.

2 A new supermarket is being built near the church.

3 The battle was fought in 1623.

4 The windows were being cleaned while I was there.

5 My desk has been moved!

6 The refugees are being taken to a camp outside the village.

7 All the documents had been signed before I arrived.

8 We were being questioned and our vehicle was being searched at the same time.

9 Our letters will be posted when the ship arrives at the next port of call.

10 The case is being opened again because they're not satisfied with the verdict.

12.1C Context: 1 died 2 was given 3 was attended 4 be held 5 lined 6 was drawn 7 followed 8 was given 9 watched 10 could be heard 11 turned 12 whispered

12.2А Uses of the passive. Possible answers: 1 has been damaged... has widened/is widening... has been investigated 2 are visited... can be arranged 3 English Spoken... Shoes Repaired... are translated 4 are constantly reminded... is becoming... are flashed 5 are involved... is hurt... have to... are damaged

12.2B The use of 'by' + agent {= 'doer') after a passive: 1 was sold... was shown by the general public. 2 was composed by Beethoven... was written 3 are being replaced by modern ones... is not controlled

12.2C The passive with verbs of 'saying' and 'believing': 'It is said (that)...': 1 It is expected 2 It was feared 3 (Joyce) is supposed 4 (Jack Smith) is thought 5 It is thought 6 There is thought 7 (Jim) is considered 8 There are said 9 It is said 10 There is/was supposed

12.2D Context: 1 have been seen 2 is supposed 3 to be shown 4 was bought 5 was eventually sold 6 was exhibited 7 is/was said 8 must have been disappointed 9 was/had been cleverly made 10 was/had been delicately sewn 11 was/had been so skilfully done 12 must have been required

12.3А Form of the causative: 'have something done': 1 decorated 2 looked at 3 tested 4 cut 5 photocopied 6 written

12.3B The causative compared with the active and passive.

Write 1:1 I'm cleaning 2 It's being cleaned З І have it cleaned 4 we had it decorated 5 It's being decorated 6 must have your shoes repaired 7 have just been repaired 8 I repaired 9 (to have this film) developed and printed 10 to photocopy 11 mends 12 It's being photocopied

Write 2: 1a She had her best skirt cleaned yesterday. b She's having her eyes tested today. с She's going to have a tooth extracted tomorrow. 2a She had two trees planted yesterday. b She's having a film developed today. с She's going to have two teeth filled tomorrow.

За She had her car serviced yesterday. b She's having some furniture delivered today. c She's going to have her hair done tomorrow.

12.3C 'Get' in the causative: 'get something done' 1 get 2 getting 3 getting 4 get 5 Get

12.3D Context: 1 have/get it repaired 2 have/get a new washing machine installed 3 have/get it serviced 4 having/getting films developed and printed 5 have/get our eyes tested 6 (have/get) our teeth filled 7 (have/get) our chests X-rayed 8 have/get my hair cut 9 have/get any jobs done ',

13.1A Yes/No questions (expecting 'Yes' or 'No' in the answer):1 Am I late? 2 Is this the London train? 3 Are my photos ready?

4 Is John working in the garden? 5 Are the children studying? 6 Does Jane give piano lessons? 7 Was Tony enjoying himself? 8 Do they live in the south? 9 Should she be here? 10 Could she ask a question? 11 Will it be fine tomorrow? 12 Will your friend be staying? 13 Would they like an invitation? 14 Do they often argue like that?15 Do you run a mile every morning? 16 Did Sheila go to the lecture?


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 2004. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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