Студопедия — А Forms and uses of 'do' as an auxiliary and as a full verb
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А Forms and uses of 'do' as an auxiliary and as a full verb

Write 1: 1L 2g 3j 4h 5k 6d 7a 8f 9m 10c 11e 12b 13i

Write 2: I What are you doing? 2... she never does the washing up 3 No, don't do that 4 What is that flowerpot doing? 5 do the/their washing 6... when you've done that 7 How does he do it? 8 he doesn't do any reading 9 What have you done? 10 What are those suitcases doing...? 11 I've been doing a bit of gardening 12 What's that car doing...? 13 I've already done so.


10.7В 'Do' and 'make' compared: do one's best, business with someone, an experiment, research, one's hair, something for a living, an impression (= imitate), somebody a service.

make: an appointment, an arrangement, an attempt, a noise, something for a living, progress, an impression (= impress), a journey, a fortune, war.

Possible answers:1 You should always try to do your best.2 I must make an appointment to see the dentist.3 We do a lot of business with your firm.4 We did a very interesting experiment in chemistry today.5 I’ve made an arrangement to meet him on Thursday.6 Mary does research into the causes of acid rain7 Mr Stuart does my hair once a fortnight.8 I made several attempts to start the car before I phoned the garage.9 Don't make a noise! We don't want to wake the children.10 What does Tom do for a living? Tom makes toys for a living. 11 Janet has made excellent progress this term.12 He does very funny impressions of famous people. She has made a good impression in her new job.13 Will you do me a service and take this to the post office?14 He has just made a journey to the village where he was born.15 You can make a fortune in the antiques business these days.16 The Persians were always making war against the Greeks.


10.7C Context: 1 did 2 don't 3do 4 do 5 done 6 made 7 doing 8 do 9 make 10 do

11.1A The first use of modal verbs (1): 1c 2f 3d 4a 5b 6e

11.1В The first use of modal verbs (2):

Must is not possible in the following: 2 have had to 3 will have to 4 had had to 5 had to 6 haven't had to 7 having to 8 has to

11.1C The second use of modal verbs: 1 certain 2 very uncertain 3 fairly certain 4 almost certain 5 fairly certain 6 almost certain

7 fairly certain 8 very uncertain 9 almost certain

11.1D Context:

1 May/Can 2 must be 3 am 4 must have 5 couldn't 6 can't 7 must/can 8 have had to 9 haven't been able to 10 can/may

11.2A Expressing present and past ability: 'can1 and 'be able to': 1 can 2 can't 3 can 4 could/was able to... can 5 Can... can't 6 couldn't 7 could/was able to/ managed to 8 was able to/managed to 9 couldn't/ wasn't able to 10 were able to/managed to

11.2B 'Can/could' with verbs of perception: 'I can see': 1 Can you see 2 I can smell З І could understand 4 Could you understand 5 I can't see 6 I couldn't understand

11.2C Ability in tenses other than the present and the past: 1 will be able to 2 haven't been able to 3 would have been able to 4 had been able to 5 will be able to 6 being able to 7 be able to 8 had been able to

11.2D 'Can/could' in place of 'is often' and 'was often': 1 The sea can be 2 She can be 3 She could be 4 It can be 5 He could be

11.2E Context: 1 had not been able to/had been unable to 2 could only/had only been able to 3 could 4 were able to/managed to 5 could/would be able to/ would manage to 6 could/was able to/were able to 7 Can/Do

11.ЗА Asking for permission with 'can', 'could', 'may' and 'might'. Possible answers: 1 Can I make myself some coffee (please)?

2 Could/May I use your/the lavatory, please? 3 I wonder if I might (possibly) see your garden? 4 Could I (possibly) make a phone call (please)? 5 Do you think I could (possibly) borrow your car?


11.3B Giving and refusing permission/Expressing prohibition. Possible answers: 1 You may not smoke. (This notice is trying to sound polite.) 2 You are not allowed to camp or picnic here. 3 You are forbidden to fish here. 4 You may camp here. 5 This is private (property). You are not permitted to enter. 6 You mustn't lean out of the window. 7 You can leave your litter here.8 You can't stop here.

11.3C Permission/prohibition in tenses other than present and future: 1 were allowed to 2 was never allowed to 3 has only been allowed to 4 has just been allowed to 5 have not been allowed to 6 had not allowed him to

11.3D 'Can (= ability) and 'can/could' (= have permission, be free to). Can is possible in the following:

2 We can go 3 She can drive 5 I can play 6 You can use

11.3E Context. Possible answers: 1 Am I allowed to 2 can 3 can't 4 mustn't 5 will be allowed to 6 can't 7 could

11.4A Certainty and possibility. Write 1: 1C 2P 3C 4P 5C 6P 7C 8P 9C 10P 11C 12P 13C 14P

Write 2: 1 He may/might/could be at home now.

2 He may/might/could be at home tomorrow.

3 He may/might/could have been at home yesterday.

4 She may/might/could leave at 9.

5 She may/might/could leave tomorrow.

6 She may/might/could have left.

7 She may/might/could have left last night.

8 She may/might/could have left by 9.

9 He may/might/could be working today.

10 He may/might/could be working today.

11 He may/might/could have been working today.

12 He may/might/could have been working all day.

Write 3: Possible answers:

1 He may/might/could be at home.

2 He may/might/could have been at home.

3 He may/might/could be at home.

4 It may/might/could leave at 10.

5 It may/might/could have left at 10.

6 She may/might/could be working.

7 She may/might/could have been working.

8 She may/might/could be working.

9 She may/might/could have been working.

10 He may/might/could have had tea and toast.

11 She may/might/could have parked in the car park.

12 It may/might/could have cost £15,000.


11.4B Certain and uncertain answers to questions. Possible answers:

1 (Yes,) she may (do).

2 She might live in London.

3 (Yes,) he could have (done).

4 He might have caught the 10. 30.

5 (Yes,) they might be.

6 They might be living abroad.

7 (Yes,) he may have (done).

8 He could have finished work at 4.30.

9 (Yes,) I could (do).

10 I may leave tomorrow.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 2011. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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