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D Context

1 foods 2 cakes 3 biscuits 4 tomatoes 5 oranges 6 men 7 women 8 lives 9 cuisines 10 Japanese 11 Swiss 12 products 13 strawberries 14 peaches 15 potatoes 16 spaghetti

2.6A Collective nouns followed by singular or plural verbs: 'government'

1 is/are 2 is/are 3 are 4 is/are 5 has/have 6 аге 7 have 8 are 9 is/are 10 are 11 is/are 12 have

2.6B Nouns with a plural form + singular or plural verbs: 'acoustics'

1 are 2 is 3 are 4 is 5 is 6 are 7 Are 8 are 9 Are 10 have 11 has 12 has 13 has 14 are

2.6C Nouns with a plural form + plural verbs: 'trousers': I have 2 are... They 3 does 4 these/those... They 5 brains 6 Congratulations 7 are 8 haven't... them 9 them 10 have 11 aren't... are 12 don't

2.6D Context:

1 is 2 are 3 show 4 is 5 is/are 6 own 7 are 8 is 9 is 10 are 11 are 12 spends/spend 13 are 14 are 15 favour/favours 16 make

2.7A Male and female word forms: 'waiter/ waitress' I sister 2 uncle 3 nephew 4 bachelor, spinster

5 nuns 6 cows 7 hens 8 mares 9 sow 10 ram II actress 12 waitress 13 prince 14 lionesses 15 goddess 16 heiress 17 heroine 18 widower 19 saleswoman 20 female 21 queens 22 bridegroom 23 daughter 24 aunt 25 nieces

2.7B Identifying masculine and feminine through pronouns: 'He/She is a student'

1 she 2 She 3 he 4 his 5 She 6 her 7 his 8 He 9 she10 her 11 she 12 her

2.7C Context 1 She 2 actors 3 She 4 Prince 5 she 6 princess 7 mother 8 Miss 9 she 10 Sisters

2.8A How to show possession with 's, s' and the apostrophe (') on its own 1 This is a child's bicycle. 2 This is the teacher's pen. 3 He described the actress's career. 4 That's a stewardess's job. 5 These are the children's toys. 6 This is a women's club. 7 It's a girls' school. 8 This is the residents' lounge. 9 This is James's umbrella. 10 That is Doris's hat.

B Apostrophe s('s/s'), compound noun or 'of?

1 That's a man's voice. 2 (-) 3 That's the committee's decision. 4 it's no one's fault. 5This is a copy of Keats' poetry. 6 (-) 7 (-) 8 (-)9 horses’ stables

2.8C The use of's and s' with non-living things: 'an hour's journey' 1 an hour's delay 2 two days' journey 7 seven years' work 8 the earth's surface 9 at death's door 10 a year's absence

2.8D Omission of the noun after's 1 the hairdresser's/barber’s 2 at the chemist's 3 at my aunt's 4 in St Andrew's 5 at Marks and Spencer's

2.8E Context 1 animal skins 2 a leopardskin coat 3 the earth's wildlife 4 children's clothing 5 ladies' coats б an actress's fur coat 7 the crocodiles' revenge 8 customers' skins

3.1 A General statements with 'a/an' and zero (0) 1 Small computers aren't expensive.2 Quartz watches don't last for ever. 3 І like a play with a message. 4 I admire a politician who is sincere. 5 Big cities are always fascinating. 6 Even efficient systems can break down. 7 Road maps are always out of date. 8 Rules are meant to be broken. 9 A restaurant shouldn't charge too much. 10 How much does a car radio cost? 11 Buses leave here every hour. 12 How long do letters take to get here?

3.1 В The 'plural form' of 'a/an'

1 They're architects. 2 Do you want any/some potatoes'? 3 Doctors need years of training. 4 How well can cats see in the dark? 5 Have you got any cats at home? 6 Why should compact discs be so dear? 7 I borrowed some compact discs. 8 Can you lend me any/some compact discs? 9 Why are cars so expensive? 10 There aren't any cars in the street.

3.1 С Describing people and things with 'a/an' + noun: 'He's a doctor' 1 He's a taxi-driver.

2 She's a Catholic. 3 He's an Englishman. 4 It's an ant. 5 It's a kind of insect 6 She's a socialist.

7 She's a teacher. 8 She's an architect. 9 It's a Shakespeare sonnet. 10 It's a Picasso/a Picasso painting.

3.1 D Context 1 (-) 2A За 4 a 5 some 6 some 7 a 8 a/(-) 9a/(-) 10a/(-) 11 any 12 a 13 (-)

A the use of 'a/an' when something is mentioned for the first time

1 a 2 the 3 an 4 The 5 a/the [> LEG 3 20 4] 6 the 7 the 8 a 9 the 10 a

3.2B The difference between 'a/an' and 'one' 1 a 2 one 3 One 4 a 5 one 6 a 7 One 8 one...a 9 a... one 10 a/one 11 a 12 one

3.2C 'A/an' for price, distance and frequency: '80p a kilo': 1 They're 90p a kilo. 2 I take them once a day. 3 We're doing 100 km an hour. 4 I/We do 45 miles a (or to the) gallon. 5 It's collected twice a week. 6 It costs £3 a litre.

3.2D 'A/an' or zero with reference to illnesses: 'a cold' 1a 2a/(-) 3(-) 4(-) 5 a/(-) 6 (-) 7 a 8 a 9a/(-) 10(-)/a

3.2E Context: 1 a 2 The За 4 a 5 (-) 6 (-) 7 (-) 8 one 9 a 10 a 11 the 12 the 13 the 14 the

3.ЗА Form and basic uses of 'the' 1a 2 a 3the 4 a 5 the 6 The 7 a 8 the

3.ЗВ 'A/an', 'the' and zero in front of abbreviations: 'the BBC' 1a 2 a 3The 4 an 5 (-) 6 (-) 7 (-) 8 (-)

3.3C 'The' + nationality noun: 'the Chinese' 1The Portuguese... the Spanish/the Spaniards

2 The Americans... the Russians 3 The Brazilians... the Mexicans 4 The Germans... the Japanese 5 The Greeks... the Koreans 6 The British... the Dutch

3.3D Context I a 2 a 3 the 4 the 5 The 6 the 7 a/the 8a 9a/the 10a 11 the 12the 13The 14the 15 the 16 the 17 a/the 18 The 19 a 20 The

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 2197. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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