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А Forms of the infinitive

1 leave 2 be studying 3 have done 4 have been waiting 5 be sent 6 have been done

16.1B 'Let', 'make', 'would rather/sooner' and 'had better': 1 go 2 not stay/Don't let's stay 3 go out 4 go/Let's not go 5 be 6 post 7 wear

8 clear up 9 look 10 to scrub 11 go... do 12 not have 13 stay 14 not say 15 go

16.1С The infinitive with or without 'to' after 'help' and 'know'

1 helped (me) (to) find this book.

2 (me) (to) fill in this job application form?

3 help you not to worry so much.

4 is known to be a very generous man.

5 to be a ruthless businessman.

6 known her (to) be on time.

16.1D Context: 1 made to wear 2 let us wear 3 made us change 4 (to) be 5 made me suffer 6 'Let's expand 7 made the shoes expand

8 helped me (to) get

16.2A Verbs of perception: 'Watch him draw/ drawing'

1 her cross the road.

2 her crossing the road.

3 something burning.

4 sing a song.

5 her shouting at the children.

6 waiting near the bank.

16.2B 'Have' + object: 'Have the next patient come in'

1 bring 2 drawing 3 know 4 believe 5 ringing 6 laughing 7 playing 8 look at 9 marching 10 happen (or happening)

16.2C '(Not) to', 'so as (not) to', 'in order (not) to'

1 to do/in order to do/so as to do 2 so as not to/in order not to splash 3 to sit 4 to see 5 to find

6 never to return 7 to go 8 to have been 9 to see 10 to have forgotten 11 not to feed 12 didn't tell us to feed

D Context

1 running 2 bring 3 not to let 4 complaining 5 race/racing 6 disappear/disappearing 7 not to leave 8 to find

16.3А 'He can't afford to buy it'

1 He can't afford to buy a car 2 I failed to pass my driving test. 3 He's offering to pay for all of us. 4 Can you manage to move the desk on your own? 5 He's just applied to join the army. 6 I refuse to apologize to her.

16.3B 'I want (you) to speak to him'. Possible answers:

1 you to speak to him. 2 her parents to pay. 3 you to write to them. 4 anyone to know about it. 5 you to listen to me? 6 two people to help me. 7 help (us) (to) move it.

16.3C 'He advised me to take out a loan'

1 me to take out a loan. 2 her to peel the potatoes. 3 us to work hard. 4 the soldiers to fire. 5 you to apply for free travel. 6 the public not to approach this man. 7 my wife and me to play tennis.

16.3D 'I know him to be an honest man'

1 People know him to be an honest man. 2 I imagine him to work very hard. 3 І believe her to be guilty 4 I found the job to be too difficult.

5 We discovered the claim to be false. 6 I know her to have an interest in the company.

16.3E I agreed to accept their offer' 1 I agreed to accept the offer. 2 I hope to succeed. 3 І expect to hear from you. 4 He claimed to have met me. 5 I arranged to be there. 6 She pretended not to know me.

16.3F Context 1 wanted me to get rid of 2 failed to move 3 advised me to use 4 considered this to be 5 agreed to try 6 managed to get 7 proved to be 8 what to do 9 couldn't bear to shoot 10 took six of us an hour to get

16.4А Adjective + 'to': 'It was kind (of him) to help us' 1 He was foolish to leave the firm. 2 You would be stupid not to ask for more money. 3 Would you be so good as to ring me later? 4 Would you be good enough to open the window? 5 It was clever of him to work out (or to have worked out) the answer. 6 It's silly of them not to take any part in local life. 7 It would look rude to refuse their invitation.

8 Wasn't it good of her to work overtime?

9 He's eager to help us in any way he can. 10 I was careful not to offend them.

16.4B Adjectives with 'too/enough': 'too weak/not strong enough to'

1a I'm not strong enough to lift it. b I'm too weak to lift it.

2a I'm not rich enough to afford one. b I'm too poor to afford one.

За She isn't old enough to drive a car. b She's too young to drive a car.

4a I wasn't interested enough to watch the film. b I was too bored (or e.g. uninterested) to watch the film.

5a The pie isn't cool enough to eat. b The pie is too hot to eat.

6a The film wasn't interesting (or e.g. exciting) enough to watch. С b The film was too boring to watch.

16.4C Noun + foinfinitive: 'My decision to wait was wise'

1 My decision to wait was wise

2 His refusal to help surprised us.

3 Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents.

4 It's a pleasure to be with you.

5 Their eagerness to help pleased me.

6 My determination to pass the test helped me.

7 My willingness to co-operate was appreciated.

16.4D Context: 1 to see 2 to see 3 to move 4 as to help me 5 to help 6 to please 7 to have disturbed 8 to run away 9 to give 10 to send

А Basic information about the '-ing' form

A1 The gerund as an uncountable noun in general statements

1 Dancing 2 Being 3 Not being 4 riding 5 reading 6 Driving 7 Not being 8 Running 9 cycling 10 Acting

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