Ancient Sumer
Answer the following questions: When was the system of writing first introduced? What was the ancient system of writing like? Why were the gods important for ancient people? Study the pronunciation of the following proper names: Sumer [′su:mə] – Шумер (древняя цивилизация в Месопотамии) Sumerian [su:′miəriən] - Шумерский
Guess the meaning of these words and expressions: farmland, n [′fa:mˏlænd] pantheon, n [′pænθiən] phonetization, n [fəu′netiˏzeʃn] pictographic, adj [′piktəˏgræfik] polytheistic religion [ˏpɔliθi′istik] redistributive economy [ˏri:di′stri:bjutiv] tablet, n [′tæblit] urban center [′ɜb(ə)n]
Study the following words and expressions: character [′kærəktə] - буква, иероглиф; цифра; письмо; знак, символ circumvent, v [ˏsɜ:kəm′vent] - обмануть, обойти, перехитрить cuneiform, n [′kju:niˏfɔ:m] - клинопись deity, n [′deiti] - божество, бог divination, n [ˏdivi′neiʃ(ə)n] - гадание, ворожба; предсказание harness, v [′ha:nis] – впрягать, запрягать; укрощать herdsman, n [′hɜ:dzmən] - пастух, скотник sacred, adj [′seikrid] - священный; святой scribe, n [skraib] - писец; переписчик (документов, рукописей) sign, n [sain] - знак; символ subservience, n [səb′sɜ:viəns] - подчинение; покорение; угодничество transaction, n [træn′zækʃ(ə)n] - дело; сделка, соглашение wedge-shaped, adj [′wedʒʃeipt] - клинообразный, клиновидный
ceremony of dedication [′seriməni əv ˏdedi′keiʃ(ə)n] – церемония посвящения manual labor [′mænjuəl ′leibə]физический труд; ручной труд political entity [′entiti] - политическое образование, субъект reed stylus [′ri:d ′stailəs] – тростниковая палочка, стило tally of cattle [′tæli ef ′kætl] – учет, подсчет скота Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary: The Sumerians inhabited southern Mesopotamia from 3000-2000 B.C. The origin of the Sumerians is unclear -- what is clear is that Sumerian civilization dominated Mesopotamian law, religion, art, literature and science for nearly seven centuries. The greatest achievement of Sumerian civilization was their CUNEIFORM ("wedge-shaped") system of writing. Using a reed stylus, they made wedge-shaped impressions on wet clay tablets which were then baked in the sun. Once dried, these tablets were virtually indestructible and the several hundred thousand tablets which have been found tell us a great deal about the Sumerians. Originally, Sumerian writing was pictographic, that is, scribes drew pictures of representations of objects. Each sign represented a word identical in meaning to the object pictured, although pictures could often represent more than the actual object. The pictographic system proved cumbersome and the characters were gradually simplified and their pictographic nature gave way to conventional signs that represented ideas. For instance, the sign for a star could also be used to mean heaven, sky or god. The next major step in simplification was the development of phonetization in which characters or signs were used to represent sounds. So, the character for water was also used to mean "in," since the Sumerian words for "water" and "in" sounded similar. With a phonetic system, scribes could now represent words for which there were no images (signs), thus making possible the written expression of abstract ideas. The Sumerians used writing primarily as a form of record keeping. The most common cuneiform tablets record transactions of daily life: tallies of cattle kept by herdsmen for their owners, production figures, lists of taxes, accounts, contracts and other facets of organizational life in the community. Another large category of cuneiform writing included a large number of basic texts which were used for the purpose of teaching future generations of scribes. By 2500 B.C. there were schools built just for his purpose. The city-state was Sumer's most important political entity. The city-states were a loose collection of territorially small cities which lacked unity with one another. Each city-state consisted of an urban center and its surrounding farmland. The city-states were isolated from one another geographically and so the independence of each city-state became a cultural norm with important consequences. Each city-state was sacred since it was carefully guarded by and linked to a specific god or goddess. Located near the center of each city-state was a temple. Occupying several acres, this sacred area consisted of a ziggurat with a temple at the top dedicated to the god or goddess who "owned" the city. The temple complex was the true center of the community. The main god or goddess dwelt there symbolically in the form of a statue, and the ceremony of dedication included a ritual that linked the statue to the god or goddess and thus harnessed the power of the deity for the benefit of the city-state. Considerable wealth was poured into the construction of temples as well as other buildings used for the residences of priests and priestesses who attended to the needs of the gods. The priests also controlled all economic activities since the economy was "redistributive." Farmers would bring their produce to the priests at the ziggurat. The priests would "feed" and "clothe" the gods and then redistribute the remainder to the people of the community. With its rather large pantheon of gods and goddesses animating all aspects of life, Sumerian religion was polytheistic in nature. Four deities were supreme, and there were numerous gods and goddesses below them. Unlike humans, these gods and goddesses were divine and immortal. But they were not all-powerful since no one god had control over the entire universe. Furthermore, humans were capable of devising ways to discover the will of the gods and to influence them as well. The relationship of human beings to the gods was based on subservience since, according to Sumerian myth, human beings were created to do the manual labor the gods were unwilling to do for themselves. As a consequence, humans were insecure since they could never be sure of the god's actions. But humans did make attempts to circumvent or relieve their anxiety by discovering the intentions of the gods; these efforts gave rise to the development of the arts of divination, which took a variety of forms.
Ex.1. Answer the following questions: 1. Where did the Sumerians come from? 2. What was the pictographic system of writing? How did it differ from the phonetic one? 3. How did the Sumerians use writing? 4. What was a Sumerian city-state like? 5. What was the role of priests in the life of the Sumerian city-state? 6. What attitude did the Sumerians have towards their gods? 7. How did the Sumerians see the role of humans regarding their gods? Ex. 2. Give your own definitions to the following terms: cuneiform pictographic writing phonetization a scribe a temple (ziggurat) ceremony of dedication redistributive economy polytheistic religion
Ex. 3. Find words from the text which are meant by these definitions? 1. a building or place dedicated to the worship of a deity or deities 2. physical work as opposed to mental or mechanical 3. a god or goddess 4. a tool used in ancient times for writing on tablets, which was pointed at one end 5. all the gods collectively of a religion 6. a symbol used in a writing system, such as a letter of the alphabet 7. a slab of stone, wood, etc., esp one formerly used for inscriptions
Ex. 4. a) Note down as many words as you can connected with these categories: 1. cuneiform 2. religious life of the Sumerians 3. everyday life of the Sumerians b) Put these words into category 1, 2 or 3: clay tablets deity reed stylus wedge-shaped impression taxes ziggurat priestess accounts indestructible tallies of cattle priest art of divination sacred