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ADDENDUM к рейсовому чартеру (пример)

ADDENDUM TO THE C/P FOR MV «___________»

DATED «_________» 2005 (пример)

Clause 18: VESSEL'S

M/V «_______»

Built 1964, Belize flag, ice class 1B

Deadweight - 3579 mts,


Length overal — 102.3 m

Breadth moulded —14.0 m

Depth - 6.85 m

Draught — 5.87 m

Geared 8x3 Ins

Light draft F: 1.27 m; A: 3.70 m

Cargo capacity grain/bale 5171/4761 cbm

4 holds

Pandl covered by ingosstrach

Registration documents expiry dates 2000

Clause 19:

100 percent of freight shall be paid within 3 banking days after signing and releasing

B/Ls in loading port but always before breaking bulk in «____________» Bank

of_________account No:_____________

in favour:

with reference for_________

Charter Party dated__________

In case of descrepancies between amount due for actual cargo quantity and remitted on advance for C/P quantity Charterers guarantee settlement of balance within 5 days after receiption Owners invoice.

The freight to be considered earned when having cargo on board and to be not return­able ship and/or cargo lost or not lost.

Clause 20:

Bills of Lading to be marked «Freight payable as per Charter Party» and to be released to the Shippers upon completion of loading.

Clause 21:

All opening closing of the hatches to be for Owner's

time/account, provided regulations allow to do so, otherwice to be for Charterer's account.

Clause 22:

Vessel is to give free use of all lightering as on board for night work if and when required by Shippers and/or Receivers.

Clause 23:

Upto 30 percent of cargo to be loaded under deck and on deck. The vessel to be has all equipment and materials for lashing of deck cargo exept the stantions, with which are to be provided by Charterers. Lashing, unlashing of the deck cargo effecting by the ship's crew to be for Charterer's account USD 500.

Clause 24:

Charterers use 8 (eight) hours at loading port for lashing the deck cargo and 4 (four) hours at discharging port for unlashing the deck cargo and these periods not to be count as laytime.

Clause 25:

Cleaning the holds and deck and releasing from the bark of pulplogs Charterer's to pay crew bonus USD 400.

Clause 26:

Overtime is to be for account the party ordering same, but overtime for officers and crew is always for Owner's account.

Clause 27:

Notice of readiness to be given by telex or cable WWWW to the Agents/Shippers/Receivers directly by Owners.

Clause 28:

Demurrage mentioned in box 18 be settled between Charterers/Owners directly.

Clause 29:

Any taxes and/or dues on cargo and/or freight to be for Charterers acct. Any taxes and/or dues on vsl bends to be for Owners acct. Any extra insurance due to vessel's age to be for Charterer's account. Clause 30:

Stevedores are to be notified immediately after occurance in writing of the damage sustained to the vessel in consequence of negligence on part of the Stevedores, claim, if any, resulting therefrom are to be settled directly between the Owners and Stevedores exept for discharge port where Stevedores, Charterers and Agents are to be notified immediately in writing about any damage to the vessel caused by Stevedores negligence. Claims and/or repaires are to be settled between Owners and Stevedores without liability to the Charterers but the Charterers are to assist in settle­ment.

Clause 31:

Vessels holds to be thoroughly cleaned, dried and without leavings of preceding cargo to Shippers satisfactions prior to tendering Notice of Readiness to load. The inspec­tion of the vsl by the Shippers/Charterers or their Agents before vsl commences load­ing shall not limit in any way Owner's responsibility of any stipulation on the contrary in the c/p.

Clause 32:

The master of the Owners to give preliminary notice of ETA 7/5/3 days and 48/24 hours definite notice of arrival at loading port to the Charterers/Agents/Receivers. Owners/Master to give preliminary notice of ETA 7/5/3 days and 48/24 hours defi­nite notice of arrival at discharging port to the Charterers/Agents/Receivers.

Clause 33:

Charter Party is private and confidential. No information is to be given to third parties and communications prior to or after performance.

Clause 36:

Should the delay of freight payment occured the Charterers are to pay penalty 0.50 per­cent of total freight for each day of delaying the payment.

Clause 35:

Number of payment order and date of remittance to be advised immediately after pay­ment of freight to «Dibson Investment Ltd.»

Clause 37:

Arbitration to be settled in Moscow MAC.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 628. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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