Перевод: Janna Shelko, События Тибета,2013
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Lesson plan
Lesson theme: Vowel “Y” and Present Perfect
Type of the lesson: combined lesson
Aids and materials for the lesson: book, computer, whiteboard, audio-video materials
Aims of the lesson:
- To help pupils understand sound “Y”
- Learn new words with this sound
- Advantages of Present Perfect
- Using Present Perfect in examples
By the end of the lesson my pupils will be able to:
- Know any words with “Y” and their differences
- Discuss and share their opinion using Present Perfect
- Make dialogue on theme “At the canteen”
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
T: Good morning, dear pupils!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Take your seats. Who is on duty today? Is anybody absent today?
P: I’m on duty today. All are present.
T: Well, let’s begin our lesson.
I. Checking up home task:
Teacher: What was your home task for today?
Pupil: Our home task was to write 5 sentences using Perfect tences.
II. Warm-up activity:
Today we are going to combine word with the sound “Y” and we must know their pronouncing differences. So, when you hear the sound “Y”, what kind of associations come to your mind?
III. Presentation:
Teacher: So, we will begin our new material and this is about sound Y. Sometimes, the letter Y is a consonant and other times it is a vowel. The rule for telling the two apart is simple: The letter y is a consonant when it is the first letter of a syllable that has more than one letter. If y is anywhere else in the syllable, it is a vowel.
Examples of Y as a Consonant:
· Yes
· Yam
· Yellow
· Yogurt
Examples of Y as a Vowel:
· Gym
· My
· Cycle
· Baby
· Sky
Letter Y has several different phonemes (sounds). For example:
y = [ aI ]Основной случай:
| my[maI] мой
why [waI] почему
buy [baI] покупать
bye-bye ['baI'baI] до свидания
cry [kraI] кричать, плакать
try [traI] пытаться
sky [skaI] небо
| type [taIp] печатать; шрифт
style [staIl] стиль
rhyme [raIm] рифма
nylon ['naIlqn] нейлон
trying ['traIIN] трудный
reply [rI'plaI] отвечать; ответ
supply [sq'plaI] снабжать
| y = [ I ]Третий от конца слова ударный открытый слог читается кратко (как условно закрытый):
| typical ['tIpIkql] типичный
physique ['fIzIkql] физический
cylinder ['sIlIndq] цилиндр
| synonym ['sInqnIm] синоним
dynasty ['dInqstI] династия
| y = [ j ]В начале слова (слога) перед читаемой гласной:
| you [jH] ты, вы
youth [jHT] молодость
yes [jes] да
year [jW] год
yet [jet] ещё; все ещё
| yard [jRd] двор
yarn [jRn] пряжа
beyond [bI'jOnd] вдали
yellow ['jelou] желтый
yesterday ['jestqdI] вчера
| y = [ aIq ]С буквой r в орфографии:
| pyre ['paIq] костер
tyre ['taIq] шина l
| yre ['laIq] лира
tyrant ['taIqrqnt] тиран, деспот
| И с к л ю ч е н и я:
| lyric ['lIrIk] лирический
| tyranny ['tIrqnI] тирания
| y = [ - ]В качестве второго составляющего сочетания гласных, подобного открытому слогу:
| way[weI] путь
away [q'weI] прочь
say [seI] сказать
| day[deI] день
play [pleI] играть; пьеса
boy[bOI] мальчик
| |
Y (ударный закрытый слог)
y = [ I ]Основной случай:
| myth [mIT] миф
lynx [lINks] рысь
system ['sIstIm] система
| symbol ['sImbql] знак, символ
mystery ['mIstqrI] тайна
symphony ['sImfqnI] симфония
| И с к л ю ч е н и я:
| hyphen ['haIfqn] дефис, черточка
| y = [ aI ]Слог закрыт - согласная (но не l и не r) + l или r + гласная:
| cycle ['saIkl] цикл, круг
cyclone ['saIkloun] циклон
| hybrid ['haIbrId] гибрид, помесь
cypress ['saIprIs] кипарис
hydrogen ['haIdrqGn] водород
| y = [ W ]С буквой r в орфографии (редко встречается):
| myrtle ['mWtl] мирт
| myrrh [mW] мирра
| |
Y (безударный слог)
y = [ I ]В большинстве случаев:
| any ['enI] сколько-нибудь
ready ['redI] готовый
lady ['leIdI] дама
lucky ['lAkI] счастливый
quickly ['kwIklI] быстро
| twenty ['twentI] двадцать
history ['hIstqrI] история
policy ['pOlIsI] политика
safety ['seIftI] безопасность
simply ['sImplI] просто
| И с к л ю ч е н и я:
| ally ['xlaI] союзник
hypothesis [haI'pOTIsIs] гипотеза
| pyjamas [pq'GRmqz] пижама
typhoon [taI'fHn] тайфун
| y = [ aI ]В глагольном суффиксе –y, (независимо от ударности слога):
| occupy ['OkjupaI] занимать
ratify ['rxtIfaI] утверждать
| satisfy ['sxtIsfaI] удовлетворять
fortify ['fLtIfaI] укреплять
| |
Present perfect
The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.