Студопедия — B. Translate the following words and expressions
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B. Translate the following words and expressions


для приема зачета по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык»

у курсантов, обучающихся по программе высшего профессионального образования по специальностям:

1 to provide обеспечивать
2 to specialize in специализироваться в чем-либо
3 to enroll зачислять
4 to designate назначать
5 instructor преподаватель
6 assistant professor старший преподаватель
7 associate professor доцент
8 to work hard at упорно работать над
9 to fail провалить экзамен
10 freshman студент первого курса
11 sophomore студент второго курса
12 junior студент третьего курса
13 senior студент четвертого курса
14 graduate student аспирант
15 to graduate from окончить вуз
16 to admit принимать
17 to result in заканчиваться
18 term of study период обучения
19 to consist of состоять из
20 to follow by следовать за
21 to complete завершать
22 scholarship стипендия
23 research исследование
24 tuition fees плата за обучение
25 to last for длиться
26 law enforcement правоприменение
27 crime преступление
28 to detect разыскивать
29 to prevent предотвращать
30 to investigate расследовать
31Criminal Investigation Department отдел уголовного розыска
32 to do one’s best делать все возможное
33 muster deck зал для построений
34 firearms range тир
35 evidence доказательства
36 to interview witnesses опрашивать свидетелей
37 to interrogate допрашивать
38 to search a crime scene осматривать место преступления
39 sovereign суверенный  
40 to connect with связывать с
41 to complete завершить
42 refugee беженец
43 equal равный
44 court суд
45 to locate размещать
46 to divide into разделять на
47 according to в соответствиис
48 network сеть
49 plaster cast гипсовая копия
50 legislative законодательный




C. Answer the questions:

1. What tradition was there in Russian higher education?

2. How did the universities and institutes admit students?

3. What degree did the university students usually receive?

4. How long did it take to study for it?

5. What is the peculiarity of modern higher education in Russia?

6. What is the higher education model according to Bologna Process?

7. Do students pay tuition fees?

8. What is the latest trend in Russian higher education?

9. What do you know about the Omsk Academy of the Russia Interior?


10. How do English universities admit students?

11.How long does the Bachelor’s (Master’s, Doctorate) degree last for?

12. How much is the undergraduate tuition fees?

13. How does the state support the students?

14. What do you know about Oxford?

15. What universities are called “Red Brick” and the new universities?


16. What is the difference between a college and a university in the USA?

17. Whom is a university (a school) headed by?

18. Who conducts classes at colleges and universities?

19. How are the first(second, third, fourth) year studentsclassified?

20. What is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States?


21. What does UK consist of?

22. How large is the state?

23. What seas and channels is it washed by?

24. What is it surrounded by?

25. What is the peculiarity of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands?

26. What nationalities inhabit the country?

27. What languages do they speak?

28. What languages influenced modern English?

29. How do they divide the country according to the relief?

30. What is the highest mountain peak?

31. What influences the British rivers? How?

32. Where are the largest lakes located?

33. How does the state manage to be a highly developed industrial country for centuries?

34. What sightseeing in UK do you know?


35. Why is the USA considered to be the third largest country in the world?

36. What is the official name of the country?

37. What oceans is it bordered by?

38. What countries does the USA border on?

39. Is there any maritime border in the USA?

40. What can you say about the country’s climate?

41. What are the peculiarities of the United States population?

42. What American sightseeing do you know?


43. Who founded London?

44. Why is London a leading global city?

45. Are only English people inhabit the city?

46. What is administrative division of London?

47. What is characteristic feature of London’s architecture?

48.What tourists attractions are there in London?

49.Why is West End very popular among tourists?

50. Has East End changed its notorious image?

Compare London, Washington D.C. and Moscow.

51. Which is the youngest capital?

52. Why are they called this way?

53. What is their common feature as world capitals?

54. What is the characteristic of their population?

55. What makes each capital peculiar?


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