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Input Devices

There are several devices used for inputting information into the computer: a keyboard, some coordinate input devices, such as manipulators (a mouse, a track ball), touch panels and graph­ical plotting tables, scanners, digital cameras, TV tuners, sound cards etc.

When personal computers first became popular, the most common device used to transfer information from the user to the computer was the keyboard. It enables inputting numerical and text data. A standard keyboard has 104 keys and three more ones informing about the operating mode of light indicators in the upper right corner.

Later when the more advanced graphics became to develop, user found that a keyboard did not provide the design capabili­ties of graphics and text representation on the display. There appeared manipulators, a mouse and a track ball, that are usu­ally used while operating with graphical interface. Each software program uses these buttons differently.

The mouse is an optic-mechanical input device. The mouse has three or two buttons which control the cursor movement across the screen. The mouse provides the cursor control thus simplifying user's orientation on the display. The mouse's pri­mary functions are to help the user draw, point and select im­ages on his.computer display by moving the mouse across the scfeen.

In general software programs require to press one or more buttons, sometimes keeping them depressed or double-click them to issue changes in commands and to draw or to erase images. When you move the mouse across a flat surface, the ball located on the bottom side of the mouse turns two rollers. One is tracking the mouse's vertical movements, the other is track­ing horizontal movements. The rotating ball glides easily, giv­ing the user good control over the textual and graphical images.

In portable computers touch panels or touch pads are used instead of manipulators. Moving a finger along the surface of the touch pad is transformed into the cursor movement across the screen.

Graphical plotting tables (plotters) find application in draw­ing and inputtig manuscript texts. You can draw, add notes and signs to electronic documents by means of a special pen. The quality of graphical plotting tables is characterized by permit­ting capacity, that is the number of lines per inch, and their ca­pability to respond to the force of pen pressing.

Scanner is used for optical inputting of images (photogra­phies, pictures, slides) and texts and converting them into the computer form.

Digital videocameras have been spread recently. They enable getting videoiniages and photographs directly in digital comput­er format. Digital cameras give possibility to get high quality photos.

Sound cards produce sound conversion from analog to digi­tal form. They are able to synthesize sounds. Special game-ports and joysticks are widely used in computer games.

3 Answer the questions:

1. What devices are used for inputting information into the computer?

2. What was the most common device in early per­sonal computers?

3. What is the function of a keyboard?

4. Why do many users prefer manipulators to keyboard?

5. How does the mouse operate?

6. What is its function?

7. What role does the ball on the bottom of the mouse play?

8. What is used in portable computers instead of manipulators?

9. What is the touch pad's principle of operation?

10. Where do graphical plot­ting tables find application?

4 Find English equivalents in the text:

Введение информации; координатные устройства вво­да; манипуляторы; мышь; трекбол; сенсорная панель; гра­фические планшеты; цифровые камеры; сканеры; ТВ тю­неры; стандартная клавиатура; числовая и текстовая информация; световые индикаторы; клавиши; режим ра­боты; презентация текста на мониторе; графический ин­терфейс; программные средства; оптико-механическое устройство ввода; управлять движением курсора; упрощать ориентацию пользователя на экране; указывать и выбирать изображения; удерживать кнопки в нажатом состоянии; двойное нажатие; стирать объекты; ровная поверхность; вращать ролики; следить за вертикальным движением; легко скользить; портативный компьютер; рукописный текст; посредством; разрешающая способность.

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