Ex 5 Make up five groups of three words associated in meaning or area of usage
Ex 6 Replace the words in bold type by their opposites. Make all necessary changes. Translate the sentences.
1. I met the doctor in ten years' time, and he was a different man. 2. The whole company arrived at the station to meet their friend. 3. Am I doing it the right way? 4. She's changed her mind about going to the party. 5. She stayed indoors part of the day. 6. He got on the bus in a small out-of-the-way village. 7. He says he's just sold his tape-recorder. 8. There was a narrow staircase leading downstairs. 9. The young man threw an excited look at his neighbour. 10. The suitcase is behind the door. 11. The book was duller than anything I'd had ever read before. Ex 7 Fill in the blanks with 'excited' or 'exciting'.
1. The telephone rang. An — voice asked me if I already knew about the changes in the arrangements for the week-end. 2. It's a very usual kind of play. There's really nothing — about it. 3. She gave an — little laugh. She always laughed that way when she was nervous. 4. She's a very — person. There's never a dull moment when she's anywhere near. 5. What — news! What's happened? What is everybody so — about? Ex 8 Recast the following sentences, using verbs instead of nouns. Make the necessary changes.
1. Sometimes it's difficult to make a quick decision. 2. How long did your stay with the Johnsons last? 3. Where does this strong smell come from — the cheese? 4. The discussion of both questions will take us no more than three quarters of an hour. 5. I am not sure whether they have made any changes in their original plan. 6. The doctor has hopes that the boy will get well soon. 7. He gets his pay twice a month. 8. I never know his thoughts. 9. Do you know the exact day of their arrival? 10. He gave the door a hard push and it opened. Ex 9 Recast the following, using a group-verb instead of verbs.
1. Let us rest a little before we start. 2. During the break they usually smoke in the smoking-room. 3. Did you talk with your elder brother on the subject? 4. Let me look at what you have written. 5. I like walking in the rain. 6. He pushed the door hard. 7. Do you really want me to swim in this icy water? 8. We must wash the car after a run along the country road. Ex 10 Translate the following sentences into English, using suitable phrasal verbs.
take up, look up, wake up, come up, get up, stand up, run up, put up
1. Он вышел на улицу, поднял руку, и такси остановилось. 2. Ребенок поднял глаза на мать и улыбнулся. 3. Автобус остановился. Она встала и, подняв сумку с пола, пошла к выходу. 4. Мальчишка подбежал и спросил, сколько времени. 5. Интересно, ты тоже, как и я, встаешь сразу же, как только проснешься? 6. Он медленно приближался к нам и, когда подошел, все мы уже прощались друг с другом.