Основные предлоги английского языка (PREPOSITIONS)
to go to…. в, на, к come to… return to
from He has just come from London из, с, у. от Take the book from the table
Into Put smth into the bag В, на Translate from English into Russian
out of Take the book out of the bag из
at на, у, в I’ll come at 6 o’clock at midnight See you at the theatre I study at the Institute She is at home now In I live in….street в, на, через She is in the next room In May, in 1999 In Summer In two days In time but: at 2 o’clock, by 2 o’clock
On On Weekend в, на It’s on the table On Monday
For I have some news for you для, в течение for my friend for two hours
About We talked about the new film. о, об About About 50% About 5 o’clock
Under It’s under the table Под
Over The temperature is over 37 degrees F. над (свыше)
Between I am sitting between my friends между (двух)
Among I was sitting among my friends Среди
Off Put off Прекратить действие Take off Turn off
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение №1. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо и проверьте себя по ключам в конце упражнений.
Investing in a limited company.
1. When …limited company has started trading, you do not invest in … by giving more capital to …. Company. 2. You buy them from one of … shareholders. 3. If it is … private limited company, … shareholder can only sell shares if all … other shareholders agree. 4. If it is … public limited company, shares can be bought and sold freely, usually at … Stock Exchange. 5. If … company is doing well and paying high dividends, then you might pay more than … face value of … shares. 6. If it is doing badly, you might pay less than … face value of … shares. 7. … price you pay at … Stock Exchange (or to … shareholder) for your shares is their market value.
Упражнение № 2. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо. 1. I found the book … table. 2. He gave his notes … the students. 3. Don’t write the report … a pencil. 4. There is nobody … the room. 5. We have an English lesson … Monday. 6 I’m thinking … you all the time. 7. I bought some paper … my office. 8. Our country is rich …oil and minerals. 9. What train will you go …. 10. What a nice place you live …. МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ Местоимение – это часть речи, которая указывает на лицо, предметы, на их признаки не называя их.
Личные местоимения Личные местоимения имеют два падежа: именительный и объектный.
В предложении личное местоимение в именительном падеже может быть подлежащим, в объектном падеже – дополнением. I saw her - Я видел ее.