Студопедия — Unit 1. Advertising
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Unit 1. Advertising



Advertising – реклама, рекламирование

Especially – особенно, главным образом

Success – успех

Ripe – спелый, зрелый

Movement – движение

Pour – лить, наливать

Associate – связывать, соединять

Research – исследование, изучение

To claim – требовать, претендовать

To taste – пробовать на вкус

Mouth-watering – аппетитный

Image – образ, картина, изображение

Advertising is about creating images, and this is especially true when advertising food and drink. What the foods look like is more important than what it tastes like.

To sell food successfully, it most look appetizing. Milk must look cold, bread must look freshly-baked, fruit must look ripe and juicy. Television advertising often uses movement. Apparently, food looks especially appetizing if it moves. Chocolate sauce looks more delicious when you see it being poured over ice cream than it is in a jug.

Sound effect, but not back-ground music, also help to sell food: sausages sizing in a frying pan are mouth-watering.

A TV-advertising for a brand of coffee had the sound of coffee percolating in the back-ground. The advertisement was so successful that it lasted five years.

The colour of food and the colour of packing is also very important. If the colour of the food looks wrong, people won’t eat it because they associate food with certain colours. Nobody would seriously eat blue bread or drink blue bear. Other unpopular food colours are purple, grey and, in some case, white.

How people expect something to taste often influences how it actually does taste. Researchers gave some mineral water to two groups of people. They told one group that the water was mineral water and asked: “What does it taste like? ” The answer was: “It tastes nice”. Than the researches told the other group that the mineral water was tap water. This second group said the water tasted a bit strange and not very nice. The word “tap” created an unpleasant image of chlorine.

It is the same with packing. A food manufacturer was trying to decide whether to sell his product in a glass jar or a can. He gave a group of people the same product in both a glass jar or a can, and asked them to taste it. They all claimed that the product in the glass jar tasted better.

So it seems to be true, image is everything!


Answer the questions to the text:

1. How should food look like to sell successfully?

2. What does television advertising often use?

3. Why is the colour of food important in advertising?

4. How long did the advertisement with the sound of coffee percolating in the back-ground last? Why?

5. Is packing of great importance for advertising?



1) Read and guess the meaning:













2) Choose the right answer:

It helps to advertise food if you have –

a) background music

b) sound effect of food

c) percolating coffee in the background.

In an experiment, the people who said their water didn’t taste nice were tasting –

a) mineral water

b) tap water

c) chlorinated water

The people in the glass jar and can experiment were tasting-

a) the same product

b) different products.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-06; просмотров: 1234. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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