Студопедия — Look at the examples of the present perfect and past simple. Translate the sentences
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Look at the examples of the present perfect and past simple. Translate the sentences

¾ Consumers have benefited greatly from advances in food production.

¾ In recent years, Unilever has cut its workforce by 33, 000.

¾ Has the price of soft drinks fallen recently?

¾ The price of energy rose by 15 per cent last year, but it hasn’t risen in the last 12 months.

¾ A year ago, the price of oil was $32 a barrel; now it has reached $52 a barrel.

Choose the correct option in italics to complete the rules.

1. We form the present perfect by using the past participle of the verb with has or have / no auxiliary verb

2. We form present perfect questions with has or have / do or does.

3. We form the present perfect negative by using hasn’t or haven’t / didn’t.

4. We use the present perfect / the past simple to talk about things that happened at a specific time in the past

5. We use the present perfect / the past simple to talk about recent events and events that affect the present situation.


Complete the sentences.

1. The cost-plus method of pricing: ‘You calculate what it costs to ­­­­­­­__________ an item and then you add the ________ _________ you’d like to have.’

2. Another method: ‘Find out what your ________ are ready to ________ on that product.’

3. A third way: ‘Look at the _______’.

4. Before setting a price, companies should ask two questions: Who are the ________ ________?

5. What kind of _______ or _________ are we _________?

6. You shouldn’t develop a product and then say: ‘Ok, now let’s _______ _______ ________ _________.’


3) Choose the correct words:

1) The sun set/set up at 6: 30 yesterday.

2) I'm planning to set/set up a new business, selling holidays abroad.

3) If you run/run out of money, you may have to ask the bank for alone.

4) Many people leave their jobs to run/run out their own business.

5) We sold/sold out 50 tickets for the show cruise tomorrow night.

6) I wanted a ticket for the cruise, but they were sold/sold out.

7) The market for luxury cruises is growing/growing up.

8) Tom's children are growing/growing up.They are now 12 and 14 years old.

9) It took 20 years to build/build up the business to a chain of supermarkets.

10) It took six months to build/build up the new block for our regional offices.

4) Choose the correct time preposition:

a) The guarantee is valid until/ for/by three years.

b) The warranty runs out within/in/until September.

c) It’s due for renewal at/on/in the beginning of the month.

d) We must have that part on/by/in next Friday.

e) The guarantee runs for/until/in next June.

f) If the machine breaks down on/during/for the guarantee period, we offer an immediate replacement.

g) We usually take on extra fitters on/until/at peak times.



Adapted from Intelligent Business by Christine Johnson, p.85.


Дата добавления: 2014-12-06; просмотров: 1440. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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