Студопедия — Unit 5. Problem of Automating Land Records
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Unit 5. Problem of Automating Land Records



Increasingly- все более и более.

Database- основные данные.

Scale- масштаб

Flexible -гибкий.

Digitization- откапывать.

Render-отдавать, воздавать.

Excavation- выкапывать.

Obvious- очевидный, ясный.

Foremost- передовой.

Integration- интеграция.

Question- вопрос.


Introduces- вносить.

Determined- решительный.

Spatial -пространственный.


Practically all European Countries are today working on the problem of automating relevant land records – first and foremost cadastres and land register. The main reason is not to achieve integration, but rather to make very important by-product. No country has achieved the complete automation of its cadastral/land registration systems. But this is merely a question of time. Sweden is probably the country which has come further in constructing an automated, on-line, integrated system of cadastral, land registry, land taxation and population records. Most European countries are definitely on their way in the same direction.

Another clear trend is the conversion of land-related information into spatial systems. The information must be precisely located in order to be of greatest use. One method is made by geocoding. If the land unit is assigned coordinates in the natural grid, all land-related information can be spatially defined. The system used by Sweden, for example, introduces the coordinate of the central point of the land unit as well as the coordinate of the principle building – graphically determined- into the cadastral records. If in future all boundary points were determined graphically or numerically by coordinated, and the coordinates were inserted into the cadastral database, this would, of course, make possible a similar spatial determination of information.

This is what is now happening in the most European countries. Starting with the most highly urbanized areas, the cadastral maps are increasingly being digitized. This is motivated mainly by the great opportunities it creates for using the same database for producing maps in different scales in a flexible way. At the same time the manual production methods can be automated. This is a natural step in the age of automatic data processing.

Digitization also renders a solution to the need, common to all European countries, of integrating cadastral data with data on utilities. Utilities such as water, sewerage, electricity and telecommunication are becoming increasingly complex; demands for efficient maintenance and management are increasing; and there is always danger that utilities will be damaged during different kinds of excavation. For these reasons, there is an obvious need for a total approach to the surveying and recording of utilities. Utilities will be a natural element in the system of digitized, automated land information.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-06; просмотров: 1493. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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