WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. 3. Сахно В.П., Безбородов Г.Б., Маяк М.М., Шарай С.М
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The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine which ignites the fuel by injecting it into hot high pressure air in a combustion chamber. The diesel engine has cither a four - stroke or a two - stroke cycle. A stroke is a travel of the piston between its extreme points. The four stroke cycle consists of inlet (or suction), compression, power (or working stroke) and exhaust, This cycle is completed in two revolutions of the crankshaft. At the top dead centre (TDC) the inlet valve opens and fresh air is drawn in as the piston moves down-suction stroke. At the bottom dead centre < BDC) the inlet valve closes and the air in the cylinder is compressed as the piston rises-compression. Fuel is injected as the piston reaches TDC and combustion takes place producing very high pressure in the gases. There gases force the piston down and at BDC the exhaust valve opens. The final stroke is the exhausting of the burnt gases as the piston rises to TDC. The two - stroke cycle is completed in the two strokes of the piston during one revolution of the crankshaft: the upstroke (scavenge and compression and the downstroke (power and exhaust stroke). Instead of valves holes known as " ports" are used which are opened and closed by the sides of the piston as h moves. When the piston is forced down on its working stroke it uncovers (opens) the exhaust ports. The burnt gases then begin to exhaust and the piston continues down until it opens the inlet or scavenge ports. Pressurised air then enters and drives out the remaining exhaust gases. The piston on its return stroke closes the inlet and exhaust ports. The air is then compressed as the piston moves to the top of its stroke. (1300)
TEXT All modem diesel engines are single - acting, i.e. there is only one combustion space above the piston. The diesel engines may also be opposed piston type, crosshead type and trunk piston type. Large diesel engines, which have cylinder near 900 mm in diameter turn at the relatively slow speed at about 145 rpm and less They are known as slow speed diesel engines. At this low speed the engine requires no reduction gearbox between it and the propeller. Medium speed diesel engines operate between! 50 and 450 rpm, therefore they are connected to the propeller by gearing. (500) ТЕХТ З
ТЕХT В ENGINE STARTING 1 The direction handle is positioned ahead or astern 2 The manoeuvring handle is moved to " START" 3 When the engine reaches its firing speed the manoeuvring handle is moved to the running position TEXT 4 MAINTENANCE