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suction piping - всасывающий трубопровод
discharge piping - нагнетательный трубопровод
suction head - высота всасывания
discharge head - высота нагнетания
difference - разница, различие
with respect to - по отношению, относительно
displacement pump - насос объемного типа
axial flow pump - осевой насос
centrifugal pump - центробежный насос
reciprocating pump - поршневой насос
rotary pump - роторный насос
discharge valve - нагнетательный клапан
to occur - происходить
air vessel - воздушный демпфер
relief valve - предохранительный клапан
to protect - защищать
adjusting screw - регулировочный вит
spring - пружина
bonnet assv - колпак
disk - тарелка
body - корпус
by means of - посредством
to trap - захватывать
to force - толкать
outlet - выход
according to - в соответствии с
rotary vane displacement pump - роторный лопастный объемный насос
gear displacement pump - шестеренный (зубчатый) объемный насос
screw displacement pump винтовой объемный насос
casing - корпус, кожух
gland - уплотнение
driving shaft - ведущий вал
to accelerate - ускорять
guide vane - направляющая лопатка
to arrange - располагать
to convert - преобразовывать
velocity - скорость
thrust bearing - упорный подшипник
bearing housing - корпус подшипника
diffuser piece - диффузорная часть
impeller - крылатка
to flow -течь
volute - улитка
singie-entry centrifugal pump - односекционный центробежный насос
double-entry centrifugal pump - двухсекционный центробежный насос
liquid path - отверстие для выхода жидкости
discharge nozzle - нагнетательный патрубок
impeller rotation - зд: направление вращения крылатки
motor half coupling - приводная полу-муфта
spacer - шайба, распорка, прокладка
bearing bush - втулка подшипника
motor support bracket - суппорт, зд: станина электромотора
top cover - верхняя крышка
soft packed gland - мягкая набивка
shaft coupling - соединительная муфта валопровода
globe valve - тарельчатый клапан
non-return valve - невозвратный клапан
check valve - пробный клапан
gate valve - клинкетный клапан
handwheel - маховик
wedge face - поверхность клина
wedge gate - посадочное место клина



A pump is a machine used to raise liquids from a low point to a high point. A pumping system on a ship consists of suction piping, a pump and discharge piping. Every pump has a power end, which may be a steam turbine or an electric motor and a liquid end where the liquid enters or leaves the pump The typical characteristics for the pump are the suction head and the discharge head The suction head is the pressure of the liquid entering the pump or the difference in the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the suction side. The discharge head is the pressure of the liquid leaving the pump or the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the discharge side.

There are three main classes of pumps in marine use: displacement, axial flow and centrifugal.Displacement pumps can be either reciprocating or rotary. The operating principle of the reciprocating displacement pump is the following. As the piston moves upwards suction takes place below the piston and liquid is drawn in, while the discharge valve is closed. Above the piston liquid is discharged and the suction valve is closed. As the piston travels down the operations of suction and discharge occur on opposite sides.

A relief valve is always fitted between the pump suction and discharge chambers to protect the pump against excessive pressure.

The rotary displacement pumps operate by means of rotary parts which trap the liquid at the suction side and force it through the discharge outlet. According to the type of rotary-elements there are rotary vane displacement pumps.gear displacement pumps and screw displacement pumps.

An axial flow pump useas a screw propeller to axially accelerate the liquid.The outlet passages and guide vanes are arranged to convert the velocity increase of the liquid into a pressure.

In a centrifugal pump liquid enters the centre of the impeller and flows radially out between the vanes.A diffuser or volute is then used to convert most of the kinetic energy in the liquid into pressure.There are single-entry or double-entry centrifugal pumps. (1700)





to flow out - вытекать
direction - направление
rotation - вращение
to indicate - указывать
arrow - стрелка
requirement - требование
ammeter - амперметр
to exceed - превышать
possible - возможный
rating - расчетная величина
tightness - герметичность, зд: затяжка
packing gland - сальник, уплотнение вала
drop - капля
to prevent - предотвращать
harmful - вредный
output - производительность


Starting (the centrifugal pump and axial flow pump)

1) Open the suction check valve wide, opening at the same time the air vent on the top side.

2) Close the air vent as soon as liquid flows out of it.

3) Start the motor leaving the discharge valve closed.

4) Check that direction of rotation is as indicated by the arrow.

5) Slowly open the discharge check valve until operating requirements are reached.

6) Check on the ammeter that power requirements do not exceed the motor possible rating.

7) Check tightness of the packing gland. Leaks must be reduced to a few drops which is required to prevent harmful heating of the packings and the shaft.

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