TEXT WATER - TUBE BOILER In the water tube boiler feedwater passes through the tubes surrounded by hot gases. It is used for high pressure, high temperature, high capacity steam applications. e._g._ providing steam for the main propulsion turbine or cargo pump turbines. FIRE - TUBE BOILER In the fire - tube boiler the hot gases pass through the tubes surrounded by water. most fire - tube boilers are now supplied as a completely packaged unit. This will include the oil burner, fuel pump, forced draught fan, feed pumps and automatic controls for the system. TEXT 3 BOILER MOUNTINGS WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS
TEXT Certain fittings are necessary on a boiler to ensure its safe operation They are usually referred to as boiler mountings. They are: Safety valves which are mounted in pairs to protect the boiler against overpressure. Main steam stop valve which is fitted in the main steam supply line and is usually of the non - return type. Auxiliary steam stop valve which is fitted in the auxiliary steam supply line and is usually of the non - return type. Feed check or control valve. A pair of non - return valves are fitted: one is the main valve, the other - the auxiliary or stand by. Water level gauges which are fitted in pairs at opposite ends of the boiler. Pressure gauges which are fitted to provide pressure readings. Air release cocks which are fitted to release air when filling the boiler or initially raising steam. Sampling connection. A water outlet cock and cooling arrangement is provided for the sampling and analysis of the feed water Blow down valve which enables water to be blown down or emptied from the boiler Scum valve to which a shallow dish positioned at the normal water level is connected. (1100) TEXT 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE