Студопедия — V. Reading Activities. - Skim through the article and write out key words
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V. Reading Activities. - Skim through the article and write out key words

a) Pre - reading Stage.

- Skim through the article and write out key words.

b) While-reading Stage.

- Read the following text and define the main tendencies in the laboratory diagnosis today.

Today the laboratory diagnosis – is one of the most informative methods in medicine. The obtained results allows to diagnose the health of a person with special care and prescribe the necessary treatment complex.

Modern laboratory diagnosis in the clinic works in several ways. This allows you to quickly find existing infections and various diseases of internal organs.

Biochemical studies

Biochemical studies – a laboratory study determine the concentration of chemical substances and products of metabolism in humans. Biochemical studies appointed in cases of metabolic disorders (diabetes) or when the biochemical changes are the results of disease (renal, failure, hepatitis).

These tests are used:

- In diagnosis;

- In screening;

- In forecasts of the disease, its course and consequences;

- In monitoring the course of disease and evaluation of the course of treatment of diseases.

Diagnosis of infection

Diagnosing infections – laboratory study to detect specific antibodies (pathogen) in the body through specific biochemical reactions. They allow for early diagnosis of infections as well as to track the dynamics infectious disease processes.

Determining the presence of antigenic agents not only acute, but also latent infections, we can distinguish between acute and chronic forms of disease, to determine the stage of disease, identify healthy carriers, as well as monitor the vaccination.

In order for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, the patient must undergo except laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis. Thus, complex diagnostics – is key to successful and your health.

Investigations of hormonal status

Research of hormonal status – the study of biologically active substances with endocrine glands, which have diverse effects both on individual organs and the entire organisms.


Hormones can:

- provide humoral (blood-) regulation of biological processes in the body;

- maintain the integrity of the internal environment in the body and harmonious interaction between cell groups of bodies;

- regulate the processes of growth, maturation, reproduction, methabolism.

Investigation of immune status

Investigation of immune status – a method of diagnosis of the human immune system to determine its response to the pathogens.

Often causes a compromised immune system (development immunodifitsita) are:

- pathology (lack of antibody production, cellular immunity);

- the impact of the external environment (chronic viral and bacterial infections, age thymus atrophy, radiation exposure, unbalanced nutrition, unsafe drinking water, excessive exercise, multiple trauma, strees, ect..)

Investigation of immune status allows you to:

- detect the presence of specific antibodies and antigens for the diagnosis of diseases of the internal organs (tumor cells, infectious diseases, allergic diseases);

- determination of immunological disorders in autoimmune hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, multiple myeloma and others.;

- diagnosis of primary and secondary immunodeficiency state;

- identify effective treatment and therapy.

Diagnosis immune status often assigned to individuals who constantly suffer colds for patients with chronic infectious diseases(hepatitis, herpes, HIV infected), as well as allergic and rheumatic patients, people suffering from gastro-intestinal tract.

The most complete description of the human immune system provides comprehensive immunogram. This evaluation for the antiviral blood cells (lymphocytes) that provide immunity to determine blood concentrations of immunoglobulins other protective proteins.


c) Post-reading Stage.

- Finish the sentences.

1) Biochemical studies are appointed in cases …

2) Modern laboratory diagnosis works in …

3) Diagnosing infection is a laboratory study to …

4) In order for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, the patient must …

5) Research hormonal status is the study of …

6) Hormones can …

7) Investigation of immune status is a method of …

8) The most complete description of the human immune system provides …


- Make up the plan of the text.

- Make up the questions to the text and ask your partner.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 580. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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