IV. Reading Activities
a) Pre-reading Stage. - Read and memorize the expressions and equivalents. They will help you to understand better the texts and articles which follow: it can be through as це може вважатися the only route of communication єдиний спосіб сполучення, з’єднання to be supplied with smth постачатися чимось to distribute smth. by means of smth. розподіляти щось шляхом to form a close net-work утворювати комплексну сітку gradually joining together поступово з’єднуючись too small to be seen надто малі, щоб бути поміченими by the naked eye неозброєним оком to convert food to energy перетворювати їжу на енергію - Make up your own sentences with these expressions. b) While-reading Stage. - Read the text “The Circulatory (Cardiovascular) system”, grasp the main information.(Ex.3 p.25) c) Post-Reading Stage. - Ask and answer: 1. What … by the cardiovascular system …? (mean) 2. How many chamber … the heart … into? (divide) 3. What … the heart? (to be) 4. What … … the tricuspid valve? (call) 5. What … the blood …? (consist of) 6. … the blood … to the heart by means of the veins? (to return) 7. Where … the blood … with oxygen? (supply) - Finish the sentences. 1. The right heart consist of …. 2. A lower chamber is called …. 3. The left heart has …. 4. The route of communication between these two parts of the heart is …. 5. In the lung the blood is …. 6. The capillaries form a close net-work …. 7. 8. From the left heart the well-oxygenated blood is ….
- Name all parts of the circulatory system on the picture.