Content of the Period
I. Phonetic Drills. II. Revision of the Material Covered at the Previous Period. III. Lead in. - Read simple rules for health and discuss them: 1. Stand erect. Стій прямо. 2. Sit erect. Сиди прямо. 3. Breathe in as much fresh Дихай як можна глибше. air as you can. 4. Sleep with your windows Спи завжди з відкритою open every night. кватиркою. 5. Keep your feet dry and warm. Тримай ноги сухими і в теплі. 6. Keep your body clean. Слідкуй за чистотою тіла. 7. Wear clean clothes. Носи чистий одяг. 8. Keep your teeth clean. Слідкуй за чистотою зубів. 9. When you are reading or writing, Коли ти читаєш або пишеш, let the light come from behind your світло повинно бути зліва. left shoulder. 10. Take long walks in the open air Гуляй як можна більше на as much as you can. свіжому повітрі. 11. Get plenty of sleep. Спи не менше 8 годин на добу.
- Do you think this rules are important? Why? - Do you follow all of them? If not, what’s the reason? IV. Vocabulary Practice. - Study the meaning of the following terms which will help you to understand better the theme studied. Ex. 1 p. 80
- Pronounce and memorize the meaning of the words and expressions to the text below. Ex. 2 p. 82
- Write one sentence about each of the following: Brain, spinal cord, neuron, stimulus, cell nucleus, cerebral cortex.
V. Reading Activities. a) Pre-reading Stage. - What do you know about the structure of Nervous System? - Why is it important for you to study this topic?
b) While-reading Stage. - Do the text on the theme (Task 3 p. 83-84). Make up a plan of it.
c) Post-reading Stage. - Choose the appropriate answer to the questions: 1. Are neurons of macroscopic or of microscopic structure? 2. What part of nervous system is the centre of regulation and coordination of body activities? 3. What do meninges consist of? 4. What is the function of acethylcholine? 5. What external receptors do you know? 6. How do we call receptive branching fibers of the neurons? 7. What tissue covers axons? 8. What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid? 9. Why do doctors sometimes do the lumber punctures? 10. What does hypothalamus regulate? (a – brain; b- three layers of connective tissue; c – help in the transmission of nerve impulses; d – taste buds, the skin, etc.; e – dendrites; f – microscopic; g – to protect the brain and the spinal cord; h – a myelin sheath; i – sleep, appetite, temperature; j – for diagnoses or for decreasing the pressure on brain)
- Make up your own questions to the text and ask your partner. - Arrage the predicates in the order of their appearance in the text: Determined, surround, reaches, are covered, consists, carries, depends, passes, receive, contain.