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Choose the correct verb for each blank. varies, is headed, consists of, is situated, are divided, is washed, is exercised

varies, is headed, consists of, is situated, are divided, is washed, is exercised


1) The judicial … by the US Supreme Court.

2) Its western coast … by the Pacific Ocean.

3) The Congress … the Senate and the House of Representatives.

4) According to the US Constitution (adopted after the War of Independence, September17, 1787), the powers of the government … into 3 branches.

5) The climate of the country … greatly from arctic in Alaska through continental in the central part to subtropical in the south.

6) The legislative … by the US Congress.

7) The USA … in the central part of North America.


Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) The USA borders … 9, 522, 057 square kilometers.

2) As there are fifty states in the USA, … Washington.

3) It holds an olive branch (a symbol of peace)

and … on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.

4) The most important rivers are … from arctic in Alaska through continental in

the central part to subtropical in the south.

5) The USA is one of the greatest … each of the first thirteen colonies which in

1776 became independent of England.

6) The climate of the country varies greatly … arrows (symbols of strength) in its


7) The population of the USA is … 299, 330, 000 people.

8) The total area of the country is … there are fifty stars on the American flag:

one star for each state.

9) There is one stripe for … industrial and leading agricultural nations

in the world.

10) The capital of the country is … the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado

the Sacramento.


Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Mike: Hello! Is that you, Andrew?

Andrew: Hello! Me and no other! How are you getting on, Mike?

Mike: Everything is all right. How are you?

Andrew: Thank you. Well, more or less good.

Mike: What are you doing now?

Andrew: I’m watching a football match on television. Why do you ask?

Mike: You see, I’m writing a report about the USA. I know for sure that you are very good at Geography. Can you help me?

Andrew: OK. It’s a piece of cake.

Mike: Can you tell me what countries border on the USA?

Andrew: As far as I know, the USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. And it has a sea-border with Russia.

Mike: What is the USA rich in?

Andrew: I’m not sure, but as far as I remember it is rich in coal, iron and oil. Come to my place right now. I have a very good book about the USA. I think you’ll find all answers to your questions there.

Mike: OK. It sounds good to me. Thank you.


Unit 8 Canada




Official name Canada
Form of government federal multiparty parliamentary state with two legislative houses (Senate [105(1)]; House of Commons [308])
Chief of state Queen of Canada (British Monarch)
Representative of chief of state Governor-General  
Head of government Prime Minister
Capital Ottawa.
Official language English; French
Official religion none
Monetary unit Canadian dollar (Can$)
Population estimate (2006) 32, 547, 000
Total area (sq mi) 3, 855, 103
Total area (sq km) 9, 984, 670




Canada is the second largest country in the world. Canada consists of northern part of the North American continent except Alaska. Its total area is more than 9 mln square kilometers.

In the south Canada borders on the USA and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. There are various types of climate. Most of northern Canada has subarctic or arctic climates, with long cold winters and short sunny summers. In contrast, the populated south has temperate type of climate.

Canada has over 15 per cent of the world’s known fresh-water volume. Four of the five Great Lakes lie partly in Canada. Great Bear Lake (31, 326 square kilometers) in the Northwest Territories is the largest lake situated entirely in Canada.

The longest river in Canada is the Mackenzie (4, 241 kilometers), which flows into the Arctic Ocean.

Canada is rich in iron ore, nickel, copper, gold, diamonds, timber, coal, silver and other natural resources.

Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 3 territories. In fact, the territories have a bit less power than the provinces.

The total population is over 32 mln people. The capital of the country is Ottawa.

English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equal status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all governmental institutions.

The federal Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the Senate. The leader of the party that wins the largest number of seats in a newly elected House of Commons is asked to form the government.

The civil law follows English common law everywhere except in Quebec, where it follows the Napoleonic Code.

Canada is a world leader in the production of asbestos, nickel and different other elements, forestry products, and ranks first in the world in export of minerals. Agriculture is of major importance to the economy as a whole and still is basic in many areas. Canada is among the world’s leading wheat producers and is second in the export of wheat.

All of Canada’s provinces and territories have symbols that are special to them. Two of the most popular Canadian symbols are the beaver and the Maple leaf. The beaver represents the importance of the fur trade in the early history of Canada. On March 24, 1975, the beaver officially became an emblem of Canada. The Maple Leaf has been a symbol of Canada for over 200 years. It was used for decorating emblems and badges. The red and white flag with the Maple leaf in the middle is the first distinctly Canadian flag.

The most important cities are Toronto, Quebec, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and others.

Canada is a beautiful country with many places of interest. Nowadays Canada has more than 2, 400 museums which receive nearly 54 million visits annually. These are The Prince Edward Island Potato Museum in O’Leary, the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, the H.R. MacMillan Planetarium, the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller and others. Canada’s 37 national parks are spread throughout the country. Banff opened in 1885 is the oldest one.

Canadians are very proud of their country and its history.


1. Practice aloud the following geographical names:

Alaska – [ә ′ læ skә ] the Atlantic Ocean

Great Lakes the Pacific Ocean

Great Bear Lake [beә ] the Arctic Ocean

the Northwest Territories Ottawa

the Mackenzie [mә ′ kenzi] Quebec [kwi′ bek]

Vancouver [væ n′ ku: vә ] Toronto

Banff [bæ nf] Edmonton


2. Memorize the following words and expressions:

1) to border on – граничить

2) entirely [in′ taiә li] – полностью, всецело, совершенно

3) to be rich in smth. – быть богатым чем-либо

4) equal [′ i: kwә l] – равный, одинаковый, равносильный

5) civil law – гражданское право

6) governmental institutions – правительственные учреждения

7) Code – кодекс, свод законов

8) to rank – занимать какое-либо место

9) beaver [′ bi: vә ] – бобр

10) the Maple Leaf [′ meiplli: f] – кленовый лист

11) badge [′ bæ d ] – значок, кокарда

12) annually [′ æ njuә li] – ежегодно

13) to receive [ri′ si: v] – принимать, вмещать, получать

14) Planetarium [ plæ nә ′ teә riә m] – планетарий

15) to be proud of [praud] – гордиться


3. Answer the following questions:

1) Where is Canada situated?

2) What is its total area?

3) What is its total population?

4) What can you say about the climate of Canada?

5) What is the largest lake in Canada?

6) What is the capital of Canada?

7) What are the official languages of the country?

8) What can you say about the political system of the country?

9) What are the most popular Canadian symbols?

10) What is the flag of Canada?

11) What can you say about agriculture of Canada?

12) What are the most important cities?

13) How many museums are there in modern Canada?

14) What natural resources is Canada rich in?

15) What is the oldest national park in Canada?

4. Give Russian equivalents to the phrases:

1) the populated south

2) a world leader in the production of nickel

3) the second largest country

4) the importance of the fur trade

5) with the Maple Leaf in the middle

6) ranks first in the world

7) the world’s known fresh-water volume

8) in export of minerals

9) a bit less power

10) among the world’s leading wheat producers


5. Say if statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct False statements.

1) Canada consists of eastern part of the North American continent except Alaska.

2) French and English are the official languages of Canada.

3) Banff is the oldest national park.

4) Two of the most popular symbols are the tiger and the Maple Leaf.

5) Nowadays agriculture is of no importance to the economy as a whole.

6) Four of the five Great Lakes lie partly in Canada.

7) Canada is the first in the export of wheat.

8) The Maple Leaf was used for decorating emblems and badges.

9) The capital of the country is Quebec.

10) The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons.


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