International Cooperation
International cooperation is one of the important activities of Ukrainian Armed Forces. It plays a vital role in providing national security and defence. It is essential prerequisite for integration of Ukraine into European and Euro Atlantic security structures. Currently, Ukraine has concluded international agreements on military cooperation and armaments cooperation with more than 50 nations, according to which the Ministry of Defence is one of the executors. In addition, MOD cooperates with other 36 nations according to additional agreements. Some activities are aimed at increasing interoperability with armed forces of other countries. Also military units of other countries take part in multinational exercises held in Ukraine in the frame of bilateral cooperation programs and NATO cooperation program. The cooperation in the sphere of military training and preparation of units for PSOs is actively developed with the USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Greece, and Turkey. It has been studied European states defence reform experience. Cooperation with NATO is a key cooperation activity. It is aimed at fulfilment of two primary tasks: reforming of Armed Forces and preparation forces and equipment designated for NATO-led operations. The prospective areas of cooperation with EU are strategic airlifts provided by Ukrainian air transport companies; participation of Ukrainian military units in crisis response operations led by EU; improvement of cooperation between enterprises of Ukraine and EU states in the sphere of joint projects for research and production of new armaments and military equipment and old types modernization. Regional cooperation is essential part of European and Euro Atlantic integration process. Ukraine continues its dialogue with the South Eastern Europe and the Black Sea nations on bilateral level and in the framework of international forums. It is implemented successfully initiative on establishing and functioning multinational naval formation BLACKSEAFOR. Ukraine has the status of observer at the South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will continue to develop defence cooperation in order to study conflict solution experience, to familiarize with military units of other countries, to gain practical experience in operations and crisis, to improve cooperation between military personnel from other nations and to create the spirit of confidence and military cooperation.
1. How many nations does Ukraine cooperate with? 2. What is the aim of military cooperation? 3. Name the countries which have cooperation with Ukraine in military aspect. 4. What are the aims of cooperation with NATO? 5. What are the prospect areas of military cooperation with EU?
1. It is essential prerequisite for __________ of Ukraine into European and Euro Atlantic _________________. 2. Also military units of other countries take part in __________ exercises held in Ukraine in the frame of __________ cooperation programs and NATO cooperation program. 3. The cooperation in the sphere of military __________ and preparation of units for __________ operations. 4. The prospective areas of cooperation with EU are __________ provided by Ukrainian air transport companies; participation of Ukrainian military units in _________________________led by EU.
1. Should Ukraine broaden its military cooperation? Why 2. How can you characterize military cooperation of Ukraine? 3. What branches of the Naval Forces do you know? What are their tasks? 4. What types of armament do you know?
Міжнародне співробітництво, національна безпека і оборона, інтеграція, необхідна передумова, міжнародні домовленості, озброєння, взаємосумісність, двостороння співпраця, військові навчання, реформування, авіаперевезення, військове обладнання.