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8. You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news about yourself and other people. Use the words given to make sentences. Use the present perfect.


1. I / buy / a new car … I’ve bought a new car

2. my father / start / a new job ……………….....

3. I / give up / smoking …………………………

4. Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil ……………

5. Suzanne / have / a baby ………………………


9. Read the situations and write sentences. Choose one of the following:


arrive break go up grow improve lose


1. Mike is looking for his key. He can’t find it. … He has lost his key ….

2. Margaret can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. She …………………….

3. Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is much better. ……………

4. Tim didn’t have a bread last month. Now he has a beard. ……………..

5. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. …………………

6. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. ……………………


10. Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet.


1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says “Would you like something to eat? ”

You say: No, thank you … I’ve just had lunch … (have lunch)

2. Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says “Can I speak to Joe? ”

You say: I’m afraid …………………… (go out)

3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: Wait a minute! ………………. (not / finish).

4. You are going to a restaurant this evening. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says “Shall I phone to reserve a table? ” You say: No, ……………. it. (do).

5. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say: ………………………………? (find)

6. Ann went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks “Is Ann still at the bank? ” You say: No, …………………… (come back)


11. Put in been or gone.


1. Jim is on holiday. He’s …… gone ……. to Italy.

2. Hello! I’ve just …………to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things.

3. Alice isn’t here at the moment. She’s …………… to the shop to get a newspaper.

4. Tom has ………………… out. He’ll be back in about an hour.

5. “Are you going to the bank? ” “No, I’ve already ………… to the bank”.


12. You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make questions from the words in brackets.


1. (ever / ride / horse?) … Have you ever ridden a horse?...

2. (ever / be / California?) ………………………………….

3. (ever / run / marathon?) ………………………………….

4. (ever / speak / famous person?) ………………………….

5. (always / live / in this town?) …………………………….

6. (most beautiful place / ever / visit?) ………………………


13. Complete B’s answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use a verb from this list:


be be eat happen have meet play read see see try


1. What’s George’s sister like? I’ve no idea.... I’ve never met … her.
2. How is Amy these days? I don’t know. I …….. her recently.
3. Are you hungry? Yes. I …………. much today.
4. Can you play chess? Yes, but …………… for ages.
5. Did you enjoy your holiday? Yes, it’s the best holiday ……………for a long time.
6. What’s that book like? I don’t know. …………………it.
7. Is Brussels an interesting place? I’ve no idea. ……………………there.
8. Mike was late for work again today. Again? He ……every day this week.
9. Do you like caviar? I don’t know. ……………………it.
10. The car broke down again yesterday. Not again! That’s the second time…………………this week.
11. Who’s that woman by the door? I don’t know. …………………before.



14. Complete these sentences using today / this year / this term etc.


1. I saw Tom yesterday but … I haven’t seen him today.

2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I …………………today.

3. Last year the company made a profit but this year ………………….

4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but ……………………………

5. It snowed a lot last winter but ……………………………………

6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we ……………


15.ó ® Describe the pictures.




Officers and MIG-29 fighter planes of the Ukrainian Air Forces.



The Ukrainian-made Antonov AN-225 is the largest aircraft ever built.

UNIT 25:

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1380. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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