Example: They have already brought the medicine. – The medicine has already been brought.
1. We have repaired our house lately. 2. When the fire brigade came, the fire had destroyed the building. 3. The athlete has shown much better results since this coach trains him. 1. 4.I will have answered all the business letters by noon. 4. The president of the board has signed the document. 5. Is she washing the floor? – No, she has already washed it. 6. By his arrival they had repaired his car. 7. He has booked the tickets and the clerk will have brought them by 2 o'clock. 8. They had painted the house by his arrival. 9. The police haven't found the reason for the accident yet. 10. Have you touched anything here? 11. The sociologist has interviewed a lot of students. 12. Have they tested all the machines? 15. The flood has caused considerable damage. 16. John will have received the papers by tomorrow.
Example: He can do this work. — The work can be done (by him).
1. She can find a job easily. 2. The matter is urgent. They should phone her immediately. 3. The boss wants Mr. Black. You must find him. 4. I can make an interesting offer to you. 5. He's got a pay rise and now they can buy a new house. 6. You must send the document as quickly as possible. 7. The weather is warm. She may plant the flowers. 8. The document is of great importance. He must show it to us. 9. He must give back the book on Sunday. 10. Their kitchen is large and they can use it as a dining room. 11. Ecologists say that we should take care of our planet. 12. You must send for the doctor immediately. 13. The lecture is over. You may ask questions. 14. You should avoid the center of town during rush hours. 15. They agreed that the club should raise membership fee.
1. Цей будинок був збудований в минулому році. a) was being built b) has been built c) was built 2. Зараз тут будується новий супермаркет. a) is being built b) is building c) is built 3. На цьому тижні викладач пояснив (викладачем було пояснено) новий матеріал. a) had been explained b) was explained c) has been explained 4. Нову будівлю інституту було збудовано коли я поступила на юридичний факультет. a) was built b) has been built c) had been built 5. Студентів екзаменують два рази в рік. a) are being examined b) is examined c) are examined 6. «Ви були неуважні, коли пояснювалось це правило», — сказав викладач. a) was explained b) had been explained c) was being explained 7. Квіти вже политі. a) are watered b). have been watered c) were watered 8. Такі столи роблять з коштовного дерева. a) are being made b) have been made c) are made 9. Цей фільм ніколи не показували по телевізору. a) has never been shown b) was never shown c) had never been shown 10. Мою квартиру відремонтують до суботи. a) will be repaired b) will have been repaired c) is being repaired 11. Списки ще друкуються. a) are typed b) are being typed c) have been typed 12. Їх ще не запросили. a) were not invited b) had not been invited c) have not been invited 13. Вам повідомлять про це завтра. a) will be informed b) will have been informed c) are informed 14. Коли я увійшов, обговорення було перерване. a) had been interrupted b) was interrupted c) has been interrupted 15. Земля була вкрита снігом. a) was being covered b) was covered c) had been covered