1. What do you understand by the term “standardization”? 2. What do you know about STANAG? 3. How do you understand the term interoperability?
standardization – the development and implementation of concepts, doctrines, procedures and designs to achieve and maintain the required levels of compatibility, interchangeability or commonality in the operational, procedural, material, technical and administrative fields to attain interoperability; STANAG – (NATO standardization agreement) the record of an agreement among several or all the member nations to adopt like or similar military equipment, ammunition, supplies and stores, and operational, logistic and administrative procedures; enable – 1) to provide (someone) with adequate power, means, opportunity, or authority (to do something); 2) to make possible; to exploit – 1)to take advantage of (a person, situation, etc.), esp unethically or unjustly for one's own ends; 2) to make the best use of; to eliminate – to remove or take out; get rid of; duplication – a copy; duplicate; to promulgate – 1) to put into effect (a law, decree, etc.), esp by formal proclamation; 2) to announce or declare officially; 3) to make widespread; armament – 1) (often plural) the weapon equipment of a military vehicle, ship, or aircraft; 2) a military force raised and armed ready for war; 3) preparation for war involving the production of equipment and arms; cohesion – the act or state of cohering; tendency to unite; to incorporate – to include or be included as a part or member of a united whole; integral – being an essential part (of); intrinsic (to); requirement – 1) something demanded or imposed as an obligation; 2) a thing desired or needed; impetus – an impelling movement or force; incentive or impulse; stimulus.