Lesson 6
1. What do you know about NATO’s partnership with Ukraine? 2. How do you understand the term “conversion”? 3. What do you know about the activity of NATO-Ukraine Commission?
distinctive – serving or tending to distinguish; recognition – 1) the act of recognizing or fact of being recognized; 2) acceptance or acknowledgment of a claim, duty, fact, truth, etc; strategy – 1) the art or science of the planning and conduct of a war; generalship; 2) a particular long-term plan for success, esp in business or politics; context – the conditions and circumstances that are relevant to an event, fact, etc; to shape – to shape (something) again or differently; to downsize – to reduce the operating costs of a company by reducing the number of people it employs; conversion – a change or adaptation in form, character, or function; focal – of or relating to a focus; to retire – to give up or to cause (a person) to give up his work, a post, etc., esp on reaching pensionable age; concept – an idea, esp. an abstract idea; battalion – a tactical and administrative army grouping of three or more companies or equivalent-sized groupings.
NATO's Partnership with Ukraine A visit to Ukraine by the North Atlantic Council in March 2000 injected new momentum into the Distinctive Partnership between NATO and Ukraine established in Madrid in July 1997. The meeting in Kyiv of the NATO-Ukraine Commission - the first time this body, which directs the Partnership, had met in Ukraine - was an occasion for the 19 NATO allies and Ukraine to review the full range of their cooperation. It was hailed as a significant step for bringing Ukraine closer to the Euro-Atlantic community of nations. The signing of the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership in Madrid in 1997 shifted cooperation between NATO and Ukraine on to a new plane and gave formal recognition to the importance of an independent, stable and democratic Ukraine to Europe as a whole. The Charter is in line with Ukraine's declared strategy of increasing its integration in European and transatlantic structures. It is the basis on which NATO and Ukraine agree to consult in the context of Euro-Atlantic security and stability and in areas such as conflict prevention, crisis management, peace support and humanitarian operations. Seminars, joint working group meetings and other cooperative programmes have focused on areas such as defence reform and the reshaping of the defence establishment, civil-military relations, budgeting and resource planning. Seminars on retraining retiring Ukrainian military personnel and on military downsizing and conversion have also been held. The North Atlantic Council meets periodically with Ukraine at Foreign Ministerial, Defence Ministerial and Ambassadorial levels in a forum established by the Charter called the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC). The Role of the NUC is to assess implementation of the Charter and to discuss ways to improve or further develop cooperation. NATO and Ukraine have created Joint Working Group on Defence Reform (JWGDR) to pursue initiatives in the areas of: civil-military relations, democratic control of the armed forces, defence planning, policy, strategy and national security concepts. Ukraine also participates in the Partnership for Peace Planning and Review Process (PARP), which jointly develops goals for shaping force structure and capabilities to help Ukraine to meet her objectives for interoperability with the Alliance. NATO and Ukraine maintain a substantial military cooperation programme that includes: Ukraine's active participation in the Partnership for Peace programme, NATO Military Committee dialogue with Ukraine, and practical military cooperation in NATO-led Peace Support Operations in the Balkans. Military cooperation focuses on building interoperability, which serves as the foundation for working together in support of joint goals; for example through the work of the Polish-Ukrainian Battalion in Kosovo. Military exercises, such as Exercise Cooperation Partner, hosted by Ukraine in June 2000, are an important part of this work. In addition to building interoperability, NATO-Ukraine military cooperation is increasingly focusing on helping Ukraine in her efforts to modernise and reform her defence structures. Joint work in civil emergency planning and disaster preparedness is also a major area of cooperation with direct practical benefits for Ukraine. A Memorandum of Understanding on civil emergency planning was concluded in December 1997, providing for cooperation in this field. A disaster relief exercise was subsequently scheduled for September 2000, in the Transcarpathia region of Ukraine, to test humanitarian assistance procedures in the event of further flooding.
1. When was the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership signed? 2. What are the main points of the Charter? 3. What is the role of the NATO-Ukraine Commission? 4. What do you know about military cooperation between Ukraine and NATO?
1. The signing of the _________________________ in Madrid in 1997 shifted cooperation between NATO and Ukraine on to a new plane and gave formal _____________ to the importance of an independent, stable and democratic Ukraine to Europe as a whole. 2. It is the basis on which NATO and Ukraine agree to consult in the _________ of Euro-Atlantic security and stability and in areas such as _________________, crisis management, peace support and _____________________. 3. Seminars on retraining retiring Ukrainian _______________ and on military ___________ and _____________ have also been held. 4. The NATO Information and Documentation Centre opened by the NATO Secretary General in May 1997 has become a _____________ for information activities to explain the ________ of the Distinctive Partnership with NATO to the Ukrainian public. 5. It has since played an _____________ in explaining Alliance policies and ____________ misperceptions.
1. How can you describe situation in Kosovo? 2. Would you like to take part in NATO-led operations? Why? 3. What is better – collective security or neutrality?
Хартія про особливе партнерство, визнання; стратегія; трансатлантичні структури; попередження конфліктів; семінар; робоча група; бюджет; перепідготовка; офіцери звільнені в запас; скорочення збройних сил; Комісія Україна-НАТО; взаємосумісність; військова співпраця; військові навчання; Центр інформації та документації НАТО.