Standardisation amongst NATO forces makes a vital contribution to the combined operational effectiveness of the military forces of the Alliance and enables opportunities to be exploited for making better use of economic resources. Extensive efforts are therefore made in many different spheres to improve cooperation and eliminate duplication in research, development, production, procurement and support of defence systems. NATO Standardisation Agreements for procedures and systems and for equipment components, known as STANAGs, are developed and promulgated by the NATO Military Agency for Standardisation in conjunction with the Conference of National Armaments Directors and other authorities concerned. By formulating, agreeing, implementing and maintaining standards for equipment and procedures used throughout NATO, a significant contribution is made to the cohesion of the Alliance and to the effectiveness of its defence structure. While standardisation is of relevance in many different areas, the principal forum for standardisation policy issues is the NATO Standardisation Organisation (NSO), which aims to incorporate standardisation as an integral part of Alliance planning and acts as a coordinator between senior NATO bodies confronting standardisation requirements. The NSO was established in 1995 to give renewed impetus to Alliance work aimed at improving the coordination of allied policies and programmes for standardisation in the materiel, technical and operational fields.
1. What are the major objectives of STANAG? 2. Who develops STANAGs? 3. When was NSO established? 4. What are the main functions of NSO?
1. ____________ efforts are therefore made in many different spheres to improve cooperation and eliminate ______________ in research, development, production, _______________ and support of defence systems. 2. _______________ amongst NATO forces makes a vital contribution to the combined operational effectiveness of the military forces of the Alliance and ___________ opportunities to be ____________ for making better use of economic resources. 3. By formulating, agreeing, ____________ and maintaining standards for equipment and procedures used throughout NATO, a significant _____________ is made to the _____________ of the Alliance and to the effectiveness of its defence structure. 4. NATO Standardisation Organisation (NSO) aims to ______________ standardisation as an integral part of Alliance planning and acts as a ____________ between senior NATO bodies confronting standardisation ___________________.
1. What are advantages and disadvantages of STANAG? 2. How does STANAG improve interoperability between NATO countries? 3. What do you know about STANAG 6001?
Стандартизація, значний внесок, надавати можливості, значні зусилля, дублювання, дослідження, постачання, угода про стандартизацію, опубліковувати, єдність, включати (до складу), складова частина, вимоги до стандартизації, імпульс, Організація НАТО з питань стандартизації.