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Fundamental Security Tasks

NATO's essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty and the principles of the United Nations Charter. The Alliance has worked since its inception for the establishment of a just and lasting peaceful order in Europe based on common values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. This central Alliance objective has taken on renewed significance since the end of the Cold War because, for the first time in the post-war history of Europe, the prospect of its achievement has become a reality.

The means by which the Alliance carries out its security policies include the maintenance of a sufficient military capability to prevent war and to provide for effective defence; an overall capability to manage crises affecting the security of its members; and active promotion of dialogue with other nations and of a cooperative approach to European security, including measures to bring about further progress in the field of arms control and disarmament.

To achieve its essential purpose, as an Alliance of nations committed to the Washington Treaty and the United Nations Charter, the Alliance performs the following fundamental security tasks:

Security: To provide one of the indispensable foundations for a stable Euro-Atlantic security environment, based on the growth of democratic institutions and commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes, in which no country would be able to intimidate or coerce any other through the threat or use of force.

Consultation: To serve, as provided for in Article 4 of the Washington Treaty, as an essential transatlantic forum for Allied consultations on any issues that affect their vital interests, including possible developments posing risks for members' security, and for appropriate coordination of their efforts in fields of common concern.

Deterrence and Defence: To deter and defend against any threat of aggression against any NATO member state as provided for in Articles 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty.

And in order to enhance the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area:

Crisis Management: To stand ready, case-by-case and by consensus, in conformity with Article 7 of the Washington Treaty, to contribute to effective conflict prevention and to engage actively in crisis management, including crisis response operations.

Partnership: To promote wide-ranging partnership, cooperation, and dialogue with other countries in the Euro-Atlantic area, with the aim of increasing transparency, mutual confidence and the capacity for joint action with the Alliance.


4.s Answer the questions


1. What is NATO’s essential purpose?

2. What are the means by which the Alliance carries out its security policies?

3. What are the fundamental security tasks of NATO?

4. What is ‘Crisis Management?



5. Complete the speech bubbles


1. The Alliance has worked since its __________ for the establishment of a just and lasting _________________ in Europe based on common values of democracy, human rights and the _________________.

2. The means by which the Alliance _________________. its security policies include the maintenance of a ___________ military capability to _____________ and to provide for effective defence.

3. To provide one of the _______________ foundations for a stable Euro-Atlantic security environment, based on the growth of democratic institutions and commitment to the ________________________ of disputes, in which no country would be able to _________________________ any other through the threat or use of force.

4. To stand ready, case-by-case and by consensus, in _____________ with Article 7 of the Washington Treaty, to contribute to effective _______________ and to engage actively in crisis management, including crisis response operations.


6.ó ® Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups


1. What do you know about NATO activities in the area of civil emergency planning?

2. What is the connection between security and economy?

3. What new threats and challenges do you know?

4. What do you know about NATO reorientation towards today’s threats?


7. Translate words and word combinations into English


Захист, початок, справедливий, спільні демократичні цінності, права людини, верховенство права, здійснювати, здатність, підхід, контроль над озброєнням, роззброєння, необхідний, відданість, мирне вирішення, залякувати, примушувати, антикризове управління, партнерство.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 747. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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