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According to the international standards passengers are to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and one hour on domestic flights. The reason is that passengers should have enough time to complete all necessary airport formalities.

At the airport passengers should check the time of the flight to make sure that it is not delayed, cancelled, or altered. This information is available on the flight information display or at the inquiry office.

Passengers are to fill in customs declarations in one of international languages or in the language of the country they depart from. They go to the Customs for an examination of their luggage. In some cases the Customs officer may ask you to open your bags and suitcases for inspection. This is one in order to prevent smuggling. After you are through with all Customs formalities the Customs officer puts a stamp on your Customs declaration, or on each piece of luggage, or chalks it off. The particular procedure depends on the country of departure.

Then passengers proceed to the check-in area. There they are to register their tickets, to weigh in and to check-in their luggage.

Most airlines have at least two classes of travel: first or business class and economy or tourist class. Business class is more expensive, while economy class is cheaper. Each passenger above two years of age has a free luggage allowance. As a rule, this limit is 20 kg for economy class passengers and 30 kg for business class passengers. Excess luggage must be paid for, but some articles can be carried free of charge, such as baby's food, articles of baby's care, baby's prams, wheelchairs of disabled passengers, and some personal effects.

Each passenger is given a boarding pass with his or her seat number. Passengers are asked if they want to sit by the window, and in the smoking or non-smoking area. A boarding pass is to be shown at the departure gate and to the hostess when boarding the plane.

Finally, passengers proceed to the passport control area. Passport control offices will check your passport and visa and put a stamp on them.

Customs, checking-in and passport formalities are more or less the same in all countries.

Слова и выражения к тексту


delay задержать
cancel отменить
alter заменить
fill in заполнить
the Customs таможня
smuggling контрабанда
check in регистрация
chalk off пометить мелом
excess дополнительный
pram детская коляска
wheel chair инвалидная коляска
disabled недееспособные

Упражнение 9. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским словам и выражениям.

Departure time; domestic flight; flight information display; to open bags and suitcases for inspection; in order to prevent smuggling; to be through with smth; to chalk smth off; to proceed to the check-in area; a free luggage allowance; free of charge; a boarding pass.

Упражнение 10. К словам из левой колонки подберите определения из правой колонки.

1.domestic a. the importing or exporting secretly

goods which are subject to duty

2.formalities b. inside a country, not international

3.to board c. coming later than planned

4.to be delayed d. to get on a plane

5.smuggling e. things that always have to be done

Упражнение 11. Вставьте предлоги или наречия, если необходимо.

1. This information is available... the flight information display or... the inquiry office.

2. They go... the Customs... an examination... their luggage.

3.... you are through... all Customs formalities the Customs officer puts a stamp... your Customs declaration, or...each piece... luggage, or chalks it....

4. Each passenger... two years... age has a free luggage allowance.

5. Passengers are asked if they want to sit... the window, and... the smoking or non-smoking area.

6. A boarding pass is to be shown... the departure gate and... the hostess when boarding the plane.

7. Finally, passengers proceed... the passport control area.

Упражнение 12. Переведите на русский язык.

Have you ever been up in a plane? How do you get on board the plane? This is the runway along which the plane will take off. We are gathering speed and lifting smoothly into the air. How do you take to flying? How high are we? We'll make a nonstop flight without re-fuelling. That plane is for service on long-distance lines. How many people does it carry? I can't hear for the roar of the engines.

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