Перевод глаголов в страдательном залоге на русский язык
Существует несколько способов перевода английской конструкции страдательного залога на русский язык: 1) соответствующей страдательной конструкцией; 2) возвратной формой глагола в соответствующем времени; 3) безличным предложением. Если позволяет контекст и грамматические нормы русского языка, одну и ту же страдательную конструкцию можно перевести двумя или тремя вышеуказанными способами. Однако есть случаи, представляющие определенную трудность при переводе. К ним относятся следующие: 1) если указано лицо, носитель действия (by somebody), то при переводе может употребляться личная форма глагола действительного залога: The news is brought by my sister. Новость принесла моя сестра. 2) если сказуемое в страдательной конструкции выражено глаголом с предлогом, то подлежащее переводится дополнением с предлогом, а сказуемое – неопределенно-личной формой глагола. The doctor has been sent for. За врачом послали. The incident is much spoken about. О происшествии много говорят. Обратите внимание на то, что предлог, относящийся по смыслу к подлежащему, «прячут» в конце предложения. 3) После ряда глаголов (to give, to help, to send, to tell, to show, to see, to teach) подлежащее в английском языке переводят существительным или местоимением в дательном или винительном падеже, а сказуемое – неопределенно-личной формой глагола: I wasn’t told about it. Мне об этом не сказали. They are taught only one Им преподают только один foreign language. иностранный язык. 4) Безличные конструкции переводят следующим образом: It is known that … Известно, что … It is said that … Говорят, что … It should be mentioned that … Следует упомянуть, что …
Упражнение 1. Сравните образование и употребление видо-временных форм глаголов действительного и страдательного залогов. Предложения переведите.
Упражнение 2. Образуйте формы инфинитива страдательного залога по образцу: Образец: to do – to be done – to have been done to play – to be played – to have been played to bring, to cut, to wear, to put, to give, to tell, to trim, to decorate, to attend, to visit, to sew, to knit, to write, to make, to create, to offer, to pay.
Упражнение 3. Употребите следующие предложения во всех формах страдательного залога. Выберите соответствующий индикатор времени из числа приведенных ниже. См. особенности употребления грамматических времен в уроках 1-5. 1) Dinner is cooked by mother. 2) The suit is made by a tailor. 3) A beautiful piece of music is played by the pianist. 4) This problem is discussed. Always, usually, often, in 1999, yesterday, at 6 o’clock the day before yesterday, tomorrow, in (через) two days, next Monday, at 2 o’clock tomorrow, now, at this moment, during the break, when I came in, just, today, this year, next year, by 5 o’clock, by the time of our arrival, before the Christmas, by the end of the month, before we came.
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, выбрав необходимую форму глагола страдательного залога.
Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. a) 1) She is seen in the library every day. 2) Tickets are usually bought in advance. 3) The umbrella has been left on the bench in the park. 4) He was educated at Oxford. 5) Costumes were trimmed with natural fur. 6) The house is being destroyed by the fire. b) 1) The book is being looked for everywhere. 2) His clothes were laughed at. 3) I must go. I am being waited for. 4) My best friend can be relied on. 5) This lecturer is always listened to attentively. 6) This young explorer is much spoken and written about.
Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите текст. TOUR PACKAGE
Tour package is a combination of travel services, transport and accommodation, for example purchased in bulk by a tour operator and resold as part of a package at an inclusive price. There are numerous tour package brochures and very often they offer the same destinations. How to choose the right one? Prices vary for the same holiday, and this is mainly due to one tour operator negotiating more favourable rates with the principals than another. The rates are usually obtained on the basis of volume of traffic: the more guests a tour operator is able to guarantee to a hotel week after week the cheaper the accommodation becomes. Other factors can be reputation and previous experience. The travel and tourism industry relies heavily on repeat business. If clients suffered a bad experience when travelling with a particular tour operator and the outcome was unsatisfactory, or if they have friends who had a horrific tale to tell, there will be no repeat business from those clients. Other determining factors could be flight details, such as the airline used, the aircraft type and flight times. Often a client would prefer to pay more for the holiday and have flight times that suit him or her. Some people prefer flights during the day, especially families with young children. What about the information in the brochure? The conditions of booking are always true. But descriptions can vary. So travel agent must read as many brochures as possible and compare descriptions of the same hotel and the same resort. It’s useful to have a resort gazetteer. Days of departure, flight times etc. can also be changed. You can use the ABC Holiday Guide. There is an introduction and advice on how to use the guide. Information is given on international telephone, telex and times; UK airports; US states and cities; international climate, skiing resort altitudes; overseas touring or cruise holidays and resorts, hotels and tour operators. Millions of people travel on package holidays every year and are very happy to do so because the benefits are enormous. The tour operators benefit from bulk buying and this reduction is passed on to the customer. There is no hassle element, every thing is arranged for the traveller. And the choice is also very wide.
Слова и выражения к тексту
Упражнение 7. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения верными. 1) Reading the brochure you should remember that sometimes ‘lovely’ can mean ‘noisy’; ‘relaxing’ can mean ‘miles from anywhere’. 2) If a tour operator is not selling as many holidays as he wants on a particular departure date, flight time will be cancelled. 3) There is the financial advantage of travelling on a tour package. 4) You can trust any information in the brochure, it cannot be changed.
Упражнение 8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1) What is a tour package? 2) How do you understand the meaning of the word “inclusive price”? 3) Why are there so many tour package brochures offering the same destination? 4) How can the travel agent choose the right tour package? 5) Why do prices differ for the same holiday? 6) Enumerate all factors which influence the price. 7) Why does tourism often depend on repeat business? 8) Why must tour agent read numerous brochures and compare them? 9) What is the ABC Holiday Guide? 10) What are the benefits of tour packages?
Упражнение 9. Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа. 1) The traveller … from a closer working relationship between tour operator and travel agent. a) benefits b) suffers c) loses d)hurts 2) The tour operator bought tour package …. a) at retail b) at low price c) in bulk d) at high price 3) The distance to the airport of … is very important; clients may prefer the airport close to their home. a) the city b) arrival c) meeting d) departure 4) … price is the price including all the services. a) low b) high c) agreed d) inclusive 5) A bad … can influence repeat business. a) equipment b) experience c) recreation d) plane 6) The price doesn’t always … the customer. a) like b) choose c) cost d) suit 7) One mustn’t … only on the information got in the brochure. a) believe b) understand c) rely d) know