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There are many people working in hotels. Who are they?

The receptionist helps guests to do the hotel formalities. She takes the guest’s name. If the guest is a foreign visitor, the receptionist must take the guest’s passport number. Then she asks the guest to sign the hotel register. In larger hotels the receptionist asks the guest to fill in a registration card and to sign it. She explains how to do it correctly and sends the signed registration card to the cashier’s office.

The receptionist answers the phone. She can help the visitors find the hotel guests. She may take messages for them. In smaller hotels she is in charge of the room keys.

The concierge works at a hotel’s information desk. She must speak several languages to help guests from other countries.

The concierge must help guests in all ways. She gives orientations in the city, arranges taxis and sightseeing tours. She offers entertainment, makes theatre bookings, recommends shops, restaurants or nightclubs.

The concierge can act as a travel agent: book flights, tours, visits. She may find a guide or a guide-interpreter for the guest. She can even find a babysitter.

The hotel manager is the head of a hotel. In a small hotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel. But in a large hotel he is just a professional hotelier.

He checks up how different hotel departments carry out their functions. He deals with the hotel guests in person and handles their problems and complaints.

There may be different management positions in a hotel: the assistant manager, the resident manager, the night manager.

The assistant manager helps the manager and manages the hotel when the manager isn’t present. The resident manager is the manager who permanently lives in the hotel. The night manager is on duty during the night.

The chef works in a restaurant or in the food and beverage department of a hotel. At the head of chefs is the head chef. He is the kitchen supervisor. He tastes the dishes and manages the kitchen staff.

In a big restaurant there are different specialist chefs: the soup chef, the sauce chef, the vegetable chef, the pastry chef and others. The chef may have the chef’s special.

The good name of a hotel’s kitchen may depend on its chef.


Слова и выражения к тексту


hospitality гостеприимство
hotelier хозяин гостиницы, отеля
resident manager управляющий, проживающий в отеле
food and beverage еда и напитки
sauce chef шеф-повар по соусам и вторым блюдам
pastry chef шеф-кондитер
chef’s special фирменное блюдо

Упражнение 6. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения.

1) If you want to learn something about the town, ask the receptionist and she will explain you everything and organize what you want.

2) The hotel manager meets the guest in the restaurant and advises them the chef’s special.

3) The concierge usually speaks her native language but has a lot of dictionaries at a hotel’s information desk.

4) For the hotel guests the hotel manager is the host offering hospitality to his guests.

5) The head chef manages the kitchen of a restaurant.


Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is the receptionist responsible for?

2. How can the receptionist help the guests?

3. Where does the concierge work?

4. Why must she speak foreign languages?

5. How can the concierge help the guests?

6. What does the hotel manager do?

7. What other management positions do you know?

8. Where does the chef work?

9. What are his duties?

10. What specialist chefs do you know?


Упражнение 8. Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

1) Working as a travel agent the concierge arranges …, book flights etc.

a) expensive dinners b) sightseeing tours c) interviews d) conferences

2) For the hotel guests … is the host who offers hospitality to them.

a) the concierge b) the chef c) the manager d) the receptionist

3) The receptionist meets guests and … them.

a) checks b) registers c) helps d) controls

4) … is a special dish for which the restaurant is famous.

a) a banquet b) beverage c) a chef’s special d) sausage

5) The hotel manager plans and controls the hotel ….

a) business b) restaurant c) location d) facilities

6) The signed registration card is sent to ….

a) the concierge b) the receptionist c) the cashier’s office d) the night manager

7) The chef … the kitchen of a restaurant.

a) manages b) combines c) relies on d) registers

8) … stands at a hotel’s information desk.

a) The bellman b) The manager c) The chef d) The concierge


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