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Inexpensive hotel is also called the 1-star hotel according to the European classification.

Such hotels are modestly furnished. Washbasins are in every bedroom but bath and lavatory are not everywhere. As a rule the inexpensive hotels have a lounge area. There are no phones in bedrooms and not every room is fitted with a radio and TV-set.

Meals are often provided only for residents. Inexpensive hotels offer low prices. They are neat and clean and the service is friendly. But they are situated far from the city centre.

The moderate hotel is called the 2-star hotel. Standard of accommodation is higher but only 20 per cent of bedrooms contain a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory.

TV-sets are provided in some bedrooms or there is a TV-set in a lounge. Assistance with luggage is arranged for the guests. Wake-up calls are offered. The rooms are not air-conditioned. Hot morning tea or hot breakfast is available. Such hotels are located at a distance from centres of activity.

The expensive hotel is called the 3-star hotel.

According to the standards two thirds of bedrooms contain a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory. All rooms are fitted with a telephone, a radio and a TV-set. Many expensive hotels offer private parking. In many expensive hotels dogs and other pets are admitted. In hot countries bedrooms are fitted with air-conditioning. Wake-up calls, room service, hair dryers, porterage are offered. All expensive hotels have a restaurant and a bar. Meals are provided on a half board basis. They are situated very conveniently.

The deluxe hotel is the 4-star hotel.

These are exceptionally well-appointed hotels. A private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory are in all bedrooms. All bedrooms are fitted with a telephone, a colour TV-set, a radio. All deluxe hotels contain a variety of bars and restaurants. Meals are offered on a full board basis.

The resort hotels in hot countries have private swimming-pools. The rooms are equipped with air-conditioning and mini-bars. Saunas and solariums are also provided. The deluxe hotels have excellent locations. Although the prices are rather high it’s worth staying there.

The superdeluxe hotel is the luxury hotel or the 5-star hotel.

Perfectly appointed public rooms are provided for the needs of the guests: lounges, banquet halls, conference rooms. The superdeluxe hotels offer the greatest convenience, the best comfort and the widest service to their guests. A variety of recreational facilities is provided for the guests: swimming pools, health clubs and fitting centres, saunas, solariums, beauty parlours. If gambling is allowed, such hotels contain casinos and night-clubs.

The superdeluxe hotels provide all-night lounge service and all-night room service. A great number of restaurants and bars cater for the needs of all kinds of visitors. Many employees work there in the proportion three employees to one guestroom.

Слова и выражения к тексту


lounge area гостиная, комната отдыха, бар, вестибюль
wake-up call побудка
available доступный, имеющийся в наличии
porterage переноска багажа
half-board полупансион
well-appointed хорошо оборудованный, обставленный
recreational facilities условия для отдыха
beauty parlour салон красоты
gamble играть в азартные игры
lounge service обслуживание в вестибюле отеля


Упражнение 6. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения.

1) The prices are reasonable for the guests with limited incomes in the 2-star hotels.

2) Pets are usually admitted in any hotels.

3) The inexpensive hotels are situated far from convenient means of transportation.

4) The personnel is not numerous in the superdeluxe hotels but high quafilied.

5) Moderate hotels are located in fashionable neighbourhoods with the best views and convenient connections.

6) I am a cleaner. So I always stay in the 4-star hotel. I can afford it.


Упражнение 7. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту.

1) What types of hotels do you know?

2) What kind of facilities do inexpensive hotels offer?

3) How are meals provided there?

4) Why do people prefer staying in inexpensive hotels?

5) What are the disadvantages of inexpensive hotels?

6) How do moderate hotels differ from inexpensive ones?

7) What kind of facilities do the expensive hotels offer?

8) What services are offered there?

9) How are meals provided in the expensive hotels?

10) Where are the expensive hotels situated?

11) What peculiarities of staying in the deluxe hotels do you know?

12) How do superdeluxe hotels differ from others?

13) Who stays in superdeluxe hotels?


Упражнение 8. Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

1) The … hotel is an exceptionally luxurious hotel.

a) inexpensive b) superdeluxe c) suite d) moderate

2) … in bedrooms of beach hotels is a great advantage.

a) Air-conditioning b) Saunas c) TV - sets d) Morning tea

3) Meals are provided on a …: hot breakfast, lunch and dinner.

a) half board basis b) table c) free basis d) full board basis

4) Services in the superdeluxe hotels … various needs of all guests.

a) buy b) provide c) are d) cafer for

5) … are plain hotels and inns of small scale.

a) deluxe hotels b) 1-star hotels c) 5-star hotels d) superdeluxe hotels

6) The deluxe hotels offer a 24-hour access and a … to the guests until midnight.

a) lounge service b) beauty parlour c) solarium d) air-conditioning

7) The expensive hotels usually have a very good ….

a) location b) climate c) residents d) transport

8) … are reasonable for the guests with low incomes.

a) Services b) Prices c) Meals d) Bedrooms

9) Good transportation is ….

a) unnecessary b) unimportant c) available d) enough


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 2018. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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