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WORD LIST. b) Choose any architectural style you like and make a report on it. 4 a) In what context do you think the following words and phrases will appear in the text?

slit window щелевое окно
fortification, n крепость
porthole, n небольшое отверстие
pane, n оконное стекло
dwelling, n жилище
sophisticated, adj утончённый, изысканный
vehicle, n средство передачи,
ultimately, adv в конечном счёте, в конце концов
mediaeval cathedral средневековый кафедральный собор
infill, n заполнение
external climate внешняя окружающая среда
a slab of marble пластина/кусок мрамора
sheets of mica листы слюды
oiled paper промасленная бумага
crude, adj необработанный
domestic building жилое здание
appearance, n внешний вид, наружность
elevation, n фасад
linger, v сохраняться, не полностью исчезать
flying buttress аркбутан (наружная подпорная арка)
serve military needs служить военным целям
arrow, n стрела
splayed sides расходящиеся стены
interior wall surface внутренняя поверхность стены
ornate decorations богато украшенные убранства
dome, n купол
flexibility, n адаптивность, приспосабливаемость
atrium, n, sing.; atria, n, pl. атриум, крытыйдворик
inhabitant, n житель, обитатель
shutters, n жалюзи
CE (christian era, common era) новой эры, нашей эры, н.э.; от рождества христова
cast glass литое стекло
property, n свойство
mullionwindow многостворчатое окно со стойками
polyurethanefoam полиуретановая пена, пенополиуретан
weatherproof, adj устойчивый к атмосферным воздействиям
surface, n поверхность
external, adj внешний
internal, adj внутренний
artificial lighting искусственное освещение
double-hung sash window подъёмное окно с двумя подвижными переплётами
casement window створное окно
slide window раздвижное окно
transom window окно с фрамугой
jalousie window жалюзи
clerestory window ленточное окно
fixed window глухое / неоткрывающееся окно
emergency exit/ egress window выходное окно
stained glass window витражное окно
french window створчатое окно, доходящее до пола
life-cycle cost (себе)стоимость с учётом периода эксплуатации
operating costs текущие расходы; эксплуатационные расходы
performance, n производительность; эффективность; кпд
greenhouse gases парниковые газы
energy consumption расход энергии
energy costs затраты на энергию
thermal resistance термическое, тепловое сопротивление; термостойкость
durability, n долговечность; прочность; стойкость
maintenance, n содержание; уход; текущий ремонт
recycled, adj повторно используемый
fiberglass, n стекловолокно
structural strength конструкционная прочность; прочность конструкции
power efficient энергоэффективный
light-collecting dome светособирающий купол
impact material ударопрочный материал
ultraviolet light ультрафиолетовое излучение
joining aluminium pipes стыкуемые алюминиевые трубы
composite film многослойная пленка
minimum solar heat gain минимальный приток солнечного тепла
lowering maintenance costs снижение эксплуатационных расходов


“Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.”

Louis Kahn

Unit 2

Hatshepsut’s Temple The Roman Coliseum

Figure 2.1



1 What is “architecture”? Read the following information and compare your answer:

Architecture is often considered to be the oldest and the most useful of the fine arts, as in some respects it is a prerequisite for the other arts. Architecture can be defined, albeit unsatisfactorily, in four different ways. It is the art and method of erecting structures; it is a planned entity; it is a body or corpus of work; it is a way to build. An observer of architecture will note that it meets requirements on functional, technological, and aesthetic levels. Throughout history, architecture has been studied through buildings that have been substantial enough to survive the test of time.


2 a) What architectural styles do you know? Define “architectural style” as you see it:

From the olden days till date, the architectural styles have undergone a massive change. When one studies the different architectural styles, one can understand the kind of creativity that existed since the ancient days. Modern architects often look up to the olden styles of architecture, which continue to inspire professionals in terms of their design and functionality. Here are the descriptions of different architectural styles.


Architectural Style Description
Ancient Egyptian Architecture Ancient Egyptian architecture is about the major use of mud bricks and stones for the architectural structures. The beautiful Egyptian temples and pyramids are some examples of this style of architecture.
Ancient Greek Architecture Ancient Greek architecture can be distinguished by the specific elements such as the rectangular buildings and the large columns.
Baroque architecture Baroque architectural styles always played around with a dramatic use of light, central projections, ornamental decoration, and pear domes, etc. The works of Michelangelo created for the late Roman buildings belong to Baroque architecture.
Byzantine Architecture The use of the circular dome is one of the typical elements of Byzantine architecture.
Chinese Architecture Chinese architecture is all about the balance and symmetry in the design. The designs have an emphasis of the use of a horizontal axis.
Gothic Architecture This architectural style was prominent during the high and the late medieval period and began at the Abbey of Saint-Denis. Its certain characteristics are pointed arches, large individual windows, flamboyant designs and the emphasis on the creation of vertical lines in the design.
Roman Architecture The Roman architecture had a lot of influence from the Greek architecture. The use of the arches and domes are some of the characteristics of this style. The Roman temples, amphitheaters, baths, basilicas, etc. stand testimony to the greatness of this style.
Renaissance Architecture This term refers to the architectural monuments built from the 15th century to the early 17th century. The common features of this style are the use of balance in the design, geometrical shapes, beautiful columns and domes, etc.
Russian Architecture Russian architecture has always been predominantly religious. Some of the basic elements of Russian architecture are the sharp sloping roofs, domes that cover the structure, the tent shaped spires, etc.

b) Choose any architectural style you like and make a report on it.


“A proper building grows naturally, logically, and poetically out of all its conditions.” Louse Henry Sullivan (architect)  
“Any design decision should be justifi ed in at least two ways.” Matthew Frederick (architect)
Discuss the following quotations:

Write a paraphrase of each quotation.Say whether you agree or not, and why.


4 a) In what context do you think the following words and phrases will appear in the text?

techniques of working •wonder of the world •recalcitrant stones •temple •badly corroded but still impressive •enriched with statuary •notable monuments •superimposed terraces

b) Read the text quickly and check your answers:

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