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Benefits of Daylighting

Daylighting has the potential to significantly improve life-cycle cost, increase user 1) _____, reduce emissions, and reduce operating costs: · Improved Life-Cycle Cost: At an 2) _____ incremental first cost increase of from $0.50 to $0.75 per square foot of occupied space for dimmable ballasts, fixtures and controls, daylighting has been shown to save from $0.05 to $0.20 per square foot 3) _____. · Increased User Productivity: Daylight enlivens spaces and has been shown to increase user satisfaction and 4) _____ comfort leading to improved performance. · Reduced Emissions: By reducing the need for electric 5) _____ for lighting and cooling, the use of daylight reduces greenhouse gases and slows fossil fuel depletion. · Reduced Operating Costs: Electric lighting accounts for 35 to 50 percent of the total electrical energy consumption in commercial buildings. By generating waste heat, lighting also adds to the loads imposed on a building's mechanical cooling 6) _____. The energy savings from reduced electric lighting through the use of daylighting strategies can directly reduce building cooling energy usage an additional 10 to 20 percent. Consequently, for many institutional and 7) _____ buildings, total energy costs can be reduced by as much as one third through the optimal integration of daylighting strategies. As with all energy-efficient design strategies, there are some costs associated with the use of daylighting. 8) _____ must be sure to avoid glare and overheating when 9) _____ windows. More windows do not automatically result in more daylighting. That is, natural light has to be controlled and distributed properly throughout the workspace. Also, for cost savings to be realized, controls have to be in proper functioning order. Poor 10) _____, commissioning, or Operations and Maintenance (O& M) practices can all lead to sub-optimum performance. (by Gregg D. Ander, FAIA) PRODUCE ESTIMATE ANNUAL VISION CONSUME EQUIP COMMERCE DESIGN PLACE INSTALL


STRATEGY POINT: Introduction to Summary Writing · Before doing anything, read the summary question carefully. · Next read the two texts and underline any information which is relevant to the summary question. · When writing your summary, avoid using exact words from the texts. Always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases and different structures. · Make your summary easy to comprehend by using sequence words (firstly, finally, etc.).Remember that spelling and grammatical mistakes which interfere with communication will lose your points, so always check your work.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 642. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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