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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

B) Find synonyms for the words in italics

8 Give the English equivalents and use them in small situations:

сообщить о разнице между; посредством; известно; помещенный в бронзовую раму; отличаться от; конструкция покрытия; средневековый; эпоха Возрождения; христианский; контрфорсная арка (аркбутан); желаемый эффект уменьшения контраста; витиеватые украшения; в равной степени; внешние стены здания; оказывать влияние на; быть окруженным; крытый дворик (атриум).


9 Use the words below to complete the sentences:

Primitive windows were just 1) _____ in a wall. Later, windows were covered with animal hide, cloth, or wood. 2) _____ that could be opened and closed came next. Over time, windows were built that both protected the 3)_____ from the elements and transmitted light: mullioned glass windows, which joined multiple small pieces of glass with leading, paper windows, flattened pieces of translucent animal horn, and plates of thinly sliced 4) _____. The Romans were the first to use 5) _____ for windows. In Alexandria ca. 100 CE, cast glass windows, albeit with poor optical properties, began to appear. Mullioned glass windows were the windows of choice among European well-to-do, whereas paper windows were 6) _____ and widely used in 7) _____ China, Korea and Japan. In England, glass became common in the windows of 8) _____ homes only in the early 17th century whereas windows made up of panes of flattened animal horn were used as early as the 14th 9) _____ in Northern Britain. Modern-style 10) _____ became possible only after the industrial glass making process was perfected.


inhabitants, ordinary, century, holes, shutters, floor-to-ceiling, glass, ancient, marble, economical

10 Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps:

The term " lite", or " light", refers to a glass pane, several of which may be used to 1) _____ the final window product. For example, a sash unit, consisting of at least one sliding glass component, is typically composed of two lites, while a 2) _____ window is composed of one lite. The terms " single-light", " double-light" etc. refer to the number of these glass panes in a window.

The lites in a window sash are divided horizontally and vertically by narrow strips of wood or metal called 3) _____. More substantial load bearing or structural vertical dividers are called 4) _____, with the corresponding horizontal dividers referred to as 5) _____.

In the United States, the term replacement window means a framed window designed to 6) _____ inside the original window frame from the inside after the old sashes are removed. In Europe, however, it usually means a complete window including a replacement outer frame.

In the U.S., the term new construction window means a window with a nailing fin designed to be inserted into a rough opening from the outside before applying siding and inside trim. A nailing fin is a projection on the 7) _____ frame of the window in the same plane as the glazing, which overlaps the prepared opening, and can thus be 'nailed' into place.

In the UK and mainland Europe, windows in new-build houses are usually fixed with long 8) _____ into expanding plastic plugs in the brickwork. A gap of up to 13 mm is left around all four sides, and filled with expanding polyurethane foam. This makes the window fixing weatherproof but allows for expansion due to heat.

A beam over the top of a window is known as the 9) _____ or transom, while a beam below the bottom of a window is known as the 10) _____ plate or window sill.


1. A install B construct C put
2. A fixed B unopened Cmotionless
3. A muntins B transom Cbeam
4. A transom B beam Cmullions
5. Amullions B transoms Cmuntins
6. Askate Bglide Cslip
7. A outer B inside Cinternal
8. A nail B peg Cscrews
9. A lintel B sill Cjamb
10. A transom B sill Clintel

11 Fill in the gaps in the following passage with the suitable preposition given below:

Daylighting is the practice 1) _____ placing windows or other openings and reflective surfaces so that 2) _____ the day natural light provides effective internal lighting. Particular attention is given 3) _____ daylighting while designing a building when the aim is to maximize visual comfort or to reduce energy use. Energy savings can be achieved either 4) _____ the reduced use 5) _____ artificial (electric) lighting or 6) _____ passive solar heating or cooling. Artificial lighting energy use can be reduced 7) _____ simply installing fewer electric lights because daylight is present, or 8) _____ dimming/switching electric lights automatically 9)_____ response 10)_____ the presence of daylight, a process known as daylight harvesting.


by(x2) during from(x2) in of(x2) to(x2)

12 Match the term with its definition:

1) double-hung sash window a) a window (more usually a door-sized window) where the sash tilts inwards at the top and then slides horizontally behind the fixed pane
2) casement window b) a window composed of pieces of colored glass, transparent, translucent or opaque, frequently portraying people or scenes
3) tilt and slide window c) also known as a louvered window, it consists of parallel slats of glass or acryl that open and close like a Venetian blind, usually using a crank or a lever
4) transom window d) a window big enough and low enough so that occupants can escape through the opening in an emergency, such as a fire
5) jalousie window e) also known as a French door, it is really a type of door, but one which has one or more panes of glass set into the whole length of the door, meaning it also functions as a window
6) clerestory window f) the traditional style of window in the UK with two parts that overlap slightly and slide up and down inside the frame
7) fixed window g) a window set in a roof structure or high in a wall, used for daylighting
8) emergency exit/ egress window h) a window with a hinged sash that swings in or out like a door comprising either a slide-hung, top-hung, or occasionally bottom-hung sash or a combination of these types, sometimes with fixed panels on one or more slides of the sash
9) stained glass window i) a window that cannot be opened, whose function is limited to allowing light to enter
10) french window j) a window above a door; it provides ventilation before forced air heating and cooling

13 Look at the pictures and name the type of the window using information from Ex.12:

a)_________________ b) _________________


c) _____________________ d) _________________

14 Fill in the gaps with the derivatives of the words in capitals:

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