B) Explain the words in bold from the text and make up sentences of your own. Use English-English dictionaries to help you
7 Give the English equivalents to the following and use 5 of them in small situations: не наносящий ущерба окружающей среде; совершенствование технологии; насущная экологическая проблема; устойчивое развитие; присущий в некоторой степени; на молекулярном уровне; открывать новые возможности; зависимость от невозобновляемых ресурсов; снизить токсичность материала; уникальные механические; электрические; оптические и реактивные свойства; совмещение синтетических и биологических материалов; тонкопленочная изоляция; демонстрировать очевидные улучшения состояния окружающей среды; принимать новые технологии; увеличение нанотехнологической продукции и материалов. 8 Read and translate the text and make 5 questions to it: Nanotechnology is about the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre (m=10-9 m). It is an 80.000th of a diameter of a hair. Nanotechnology opens up new possibilities in material design. On this level material behaves differently to how it does on the macro-level; objects can change colour and shape much more easily and fundamental properties such as force, surface/mass relationship, conductibility and elasticity can be improved in order to create material that can provide a better performance than present ones. The possibilities provided by nanotechnology embrace the most disparate sectors, from electronics to medicine, from energy to aeronautics, to name but a few; building is one of these and is considered a promising area of application for nanotechnology. The considerable modifications in materials and, consequently, building processes indicates that nanotechnology can provide radical and systematic innovation in architecture; the extent to which, and the manner in which architects, engineers, researchers, builders and producers embrace this innovation will determine the future of architectural operations. (F. Scalisi, Nano-Structured Materials in New and Existing Buildings) 9 Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals:
10 Use the words below to complete the sentences: