Factors influencing on the fatigue strength
The experiences show that the fatigue strength is subjected by the essential influence of the following factors: the stress concentration, the detail cross section dimensions, the surface condition, the character of the technological treatment and others. Consider them more detaily. The influence of the stress concentration. The sharp detail shape change, holes, recesses, cuts and so on decrease the fatigue strength considerably in comparison with the fatigue strength for the smooth cylindrical specimens. This decreasing is considered by the effective stress concentration coefficient which is determined by an experimental way. For that we take two similar specimen series (10 specimen in each one) but the first one is without the stress concentration and the second one has the concentration and determines the fatigue strengths under the symmetrical cycle for the specimens without the stress concentration The relation
determines the effective stress concentration coefficient. The experiences show that this coefficient differs from the theoretical The values
Fig. 11.8. Fig. 11.9.
The value of the concentration coefficients in torsion
Fig. 11.10. Fig. 11.11.
where The values
In the cases when the experience data to determine the effective stress concentration coefficient are missing and the known values of the theoretical stress concentration coefficient are missing, the known values of the theoretical stress concentration coefficient can be used to determine
Fig. 11.12. The influence of the absolute detail cross-section dimensions. The experiences show that the more absolute detail cross section dimensions are, the less the fatigue strength is. The relation of the details fatigue strength of the diameter d to the fatigue strength of the laboratory specimen of the diameter d0 =6÷ 10 mm. is called the influence coefficient of the absolute cross section dimensions:
for normal stresses. The influence coefficient of the absolute cross section dimensions can also be determined for the specimens with the stress concentration. In this case we have
Thereby both the detail of the dimension d and the specimen of the dimension The value diagram is given in Fig. 11.13. The curve 1 corresponds to the detail from the carbon steel without the concentrator, the curve 2 – to the detail from the alloy steel under the concentrator absence and from the carbon steel under the concentrator presence, the curve 3 – to the detail from the alloy steel under the concentrator presence, the curve 4 – for any steel under the highly large stress concentration (for example under the concentrator of the slot type). Because of absence of the sufficient quantity of the experience data about the coefficients It is to be noted that the experience data to determine The surface quality influence and the hardness of the surface layer. The experiences show that the rough treatment of the detail surface decreases the fatigue strength. The surface quality influence is connected with the change of the microgeometry (the roughness) and the metal condition in the surface layer that in its turn depends on the mechanical treatment way.
Fig. 11.13. Fig. 11.14.
To appreciate the surface quality influence on the fatigue strength it is necessary to introduce the coefficient
The value diagram Thereby the curves correspond to the following surface treatment form: 1 – polishing, 2 – grinding, 3 – precision turning, 4 – rough turning, 5 – scale presence. Different ways of the surface hardness (strain-hardness, cementing, nitrogening, the surface hardening by the high-frequency current and so on) increase strongly the fatigue strength value. It is taken into account by introducing the hardness surface influence coefficient The coefficient values